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Topics - Echo

General Discussion / multiple thoughts at once
January 03, 2018, 04:56:35 AM
Since I was young I can remember having multiple thoughts in my head at one time. In the past it seems to get worse when I get stressed. I'm not hearing voices so I don't think it goes quite as far as DID, but I thought this was normal until I googled it recently and found that it isn't.

I have been diagnosed ADD so it might be related to that and not CPTSD. Does anyone else experience this or something similar?
AV - Avoidance / I forgot how many tattoos I had?
November 03, 2017, 04:05:01 AM
I guess this is a form of dissociation or a memory issue, maybe both.

I've had a lot of stress lately, and someone I met asked me how many tattoos I have. I told them I had 2 tattoos instead of 3. I was unable to remember what my third tattoo was and where it was. I had to look down at my wrist before I remembered what my third tattoo was... it's literally right there, on my arm.

I've had plenty of memory and concentration issues before, maybe it's just a part of that.
So I've been researching eating disorders and I've seen a lot of people say signs are things like picking out eyebrows and skin scratching. From what I've read these are both part of the over-restricting and controlling mentality.

I do both of these things. I've thought for a while that I may have traits of anorexia. I've been in therapy for a couple years. but never diagnosed? T said "that's not an eating disorder" and said "you don't look too skinny," when I brought it up, but I am underweight and was more so in high school. And I have patterns of restricted eating as well, but I've been good at hiding it and explaining it away.

Thoughts? Should I try to get treated somewhere else?
I'm sorry if this makes anyone uncomfortable and I'm not meaning to trigger anyone. But there have been a few times when I'm describing my childhood abuse to a therapist, and more recently a psychiatrist, and they have asked me straight up if I was sexually abused.

Is this just something they ask everyone who says they were abused? Maybe they were just trying to understand more about my history. At the time I was afraid to ask.

I can sometimes be very afraid of sex and I don't have sex unless I really trust someone first. It can actually make me physically sick or at the very least uncomfortable to think about having sex with someone I don't know very well. I still sometimes get afraid or feel lightheaded even if I trust the person. Not sure how to describe this

This could just be related my other abuse. I may not have been sexually abused. I'm still trying to work through my memories, and I guess it comes down to figuring it out on my own. But I'm feeling afraid and wanted to put this out there.
Therapy / Feeling lost
September 26, 2017, 10:00:35 PM
Hi everybody.

I want to like my therapist and I have for a long time. I'm afraid there's something wrong with me, or that I'm just imagining things, but there have been times I've felt invalidated, talked over, like my thoughts/feelings are wrong, and that seems a little unhealthy. After my last session I've felt pretty out of it.

She primarily focuses on CBT I think, and says I shouldn't focus on the past.

Any ideas?
General Discussion / Stimulant medication?
September 25, 2017, 08:47:54 PM
Hi, not sure if I'm posting this in the right place.

I was put on Adderall a few months ago by a psychatrist who said I had "severe adult ADHD." I think this strongly correlates with my C-PTSD symptoms.

Has anyone had any experience with this? My fear is that I will become addicted to it and not be able to cope without it. If I skip a dose I have trouble functioning, more so than when I started the medication.
Hi all!  :heythere: So glad to be here.

I'm an only child. I've never really shared my story with anyone except bits and pieces, so posting here for the first time is a little scary, even though I'm really glad to have found this community.  :grouphug:

I've been in therapy for 3 years. My therapist has talked with me about trauma a little bit, but she's never said I have C-PTSD.  She makes comments sometimes that lead me to believe she might be narcissistic. She's says she's "important" in the city we live in and that sometimes she gets special treatment and whatnot. I want to like her but I'm not quite sure what to make of my therapy situation.

Both my parents had mood swings and then would act like nothing had happened. My dad is controlling and has possible NPD, was emotionally abusive/ignoring and a couple times physically abusive. My mom was like a sister or a friend as I got older, it's kind of hard to explain. I used to think of my mom as "all good" and my dad as "all bad." But the more I learn, the more my relationship with my mom seems unhealthy. I was always taking care of her emotionally, and telling her she needed to leave my dad.

I have one memory that leads me to believe I was possibly sexually abused by someone. I'm not sure by who, what or how or even if it's accurate. I'm still trying to work through a lot of things.

Anyways, I hope this isn't too long! I just wanted to get some of my story out there. I really want to start recovering and talk with other people who can understand.