Recommendations for Childhood Trauma Memoirs?

Started by plantsandworms, September 04, 2018, 04:59:17 PM

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This probably isn't healing for everyone, but I find it incredibly cathartic to read memoirs centered around childhood trauma. Hearing someone own their story and make sense of what has happened to them helps me to reflect on my own life and my own story in a way that creates meaning out of a lot of pain. I'm wondering - does anyone have recommendations on particularly moving/well-written childhood trauma memoirs? Most recently I read The Liars Club and really enjoyed it, and of course I read The Glass Castle years ago. I would appreciate any tips on what to read next! Thanks.


"Recovery is my best revenge" by Carolyn Spring.

I found this book simply amazing. She shares her traumatic childhood and the impacts it forever has in a empowering, hope beaming, motivational way. I think of her as a friend and open up the book when my dissociation and c trauma symptoms are bad.

Hope this can bring you comfort and hope too plantsandworms.  :heythere:

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