Newbie in need of treatment that works

Started by mitti, December 29, 2017, 08:19:55 PM

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Hello everybody, I just found this forum and I haven't oriented myself completely yet.

I have had PTSD since infancy, though I didn't know what had happened to me until a few years ago when suppressed memories surfaced when my mother passed. I have been through multiple emotional and physical trauma in childhood after this and as an adult. Basically it started with my severe neglect and somebody scaring me, I don't know exactly how. I developed an extremely avoidant attachment style and relationships have been difficult, not really because I have not felt good about being in a relationship but because people leave me or abuse me when I start to trust an love them. It just gets more and more difficult and I am not copying any longer.

I have been in  CBT and other types of therapy and tried hypnosis, mediation and various other physical and mental exercises, either by myself or as a part of therapy, but nothing has helped. I first heard about PTSD complex about 15 yrs ago when the CBT therapist I had then told me this is the underlying cause of my problems.

So I am now desperate, I need some kind of drastic treatment but I have no idea where to turn. I have been told I am a difficult case bc there are so many different kinds of trauma that seem to all be locked in together. I am not able to calm my body any longer bc to do that triggers the PTSD responses. I don't know if anybody else here recognises this - it feels like abuse to me to not be allowed to feel what I feel, i.e. pain and despair in a situation that is so painful, scary and life threatening.

So I am looking for a treatment that I haven't tried, something drastic, something new or a little alternative bc nothing has worked yet. I am grateful for any suggestions.

Three Roses

Hello and welcome to you, mitti! I'm glad you're here.

Since there are so many treatments available to us, and since everyone's background is so individual, it would probably be best if you educated yourself about complex post-traumatic stress disorder - what it is, and what it is not.

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder is not the same as PTSD. The complex variety, or cumulative as we think of it here, arises from repeated, interpersonal, intentional assaults / injuries.

There is an excellent book on this subject called "The Body Keeps The Score". It covers the origins of c-ptsd, symptoms, case histories and also treatments that are becoming more and more widely available to us. It is available to listen to for free on YouTube at the following links. Part 1, and part 2, .

Again, welcome, thanks for joining.


Hey Mitti, welcome to OOTS  :heythere:  We do have some suggestions about finding a trauma trained and experienced therapist here and some helpful forms here  If you can find a T who is knowledgeable about Complex PTSD (versus just PTSD), that would be best as there are differences between the two as TR has suggested.

Good luck and I hope you find the information and support here helpful  :hug:


Quote from: Three Roses on December 29, 2017, 09:46:17 PM
Hello and welcome to you, mitti! I'm glad you're here.

Since there are so many treatments available to us, and since everyone's background is so individual, it would probably be best if you educated yourself about complex post-traumatic stress disorder - what it is, and what it is not.

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder is not the same as PTSD. The complex variety, or cumulative as we think of it here, arises from repeated, interpersonal, intentional assaults / injuries.

There is an excellent book on this subject called "The Body Keeps The Score". It covers the origins of c-ptsd, symptoms, case histories and also treatments that are becoming more and more widely available to us. It is available to listen to for free on YouTube at the following links. Part 1, and part 2, .

Again, welcome, thanks for joining.

Hi, I am sorry for disappearing and not responding. Life has just been too difficult. Thanks for the link, though it seems it is no longer up or I can't get it to play.

I am not sure whether it is PTSD complex or PTSD. Therapists have told me lots of things but seems that they may not themselves actually know.


Quote from: Kizzie on December 29, 2017, 09:59:48 PM
Hey Mitti, welcome to OOTS  :heythere:  We do have some suggestions about finding a trauma trained and experienced therapist here and some helpful forms here  If you can find a T who is knowledgeable about Complex PTSD (versus just PTSD), that would be best as there are differences between the two as TR has suggested.

Good luck and I hope you find the information and support here helpful  :hug:

Hi, thank you so much. And I am sorry for not responding for so long. I have had problems even getting a T who knows what PTSD is let alone PTSD complex. So often they just tell me I have an anxiety disorder. I will look into the difference between PTSD and PTSD complex and take it from there.

Thanks again  :hug: