Reading suggestions re: scapegoating, infantilising, NC/MC

Started by sj, July 10, 2018, 11:54:51 AM

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I'm wanting to read some more in-depth information about scapegoating by FOO - all the ways it can play out and the effects on the scapegoat (that'd be me). I want more than just overview articles which briefly describe it. I'm hoping to find something that really delves into it, particularly from the perspective of the scapegoated person. I want to read someone's experience and know they are dealing with the same emotional landscape I am, and to read about how they are navigating it.

Also, I'm keen to find some similarly personal, lived experience descriptions of the costs and benefits of choosing to go MC and NC. I am currently MC with both my (divorced) parents and younger sister, and NC with my younger brother (who is also NC with my F). I struggle so much with this no-man's-land of relationship and often wonder whether I should just go NC with them all and be done with it so I can just grieve who they can't be for me (ie; non-toxic, supportive family) to maybe (??) make it easier to achieve some form of 'moving on' with my (pretty compromised) life. I have debilitating chronic health issues, too, and my parents still both provide some financial support, which is a massive thing that keeps me connected, as I am too sick to work, and even the times I did I was only ever able to maintain part-time and casual hours.

For both of these areas I'd love to read comprehensive stories and outlines about the dynamics involved and how others have worked with them. If anyone can recommend any books or websites that really explore these themes in a through sort of manner, I'd really appreciate it.



I forgot to outline the request for good reading recommendations related to infantilising. Looking pretty much for the same kind of more detailed and thorough explorations as I mentioned in regards to the other stuff.


Quote from: radical on July 10, 2018, 12:18:50 PM

I hope something here is useful

Thank you very much, radical. There definitely looks to be a number of good, relevant posts here.


Hi SJ - you may want to check out the resource at our sister site Out of the FOG as they have quite a bit about topics relating to personality disordered behaviours such as scapegoating, infantilising and helpful strategies such as NC/MC.