Hi everyone, I'm a 52 year old male whose just been given a working diagnosis of general anxiety and depression as a result of childhood trauma. Awaiting NHS counselling and been on anti deps for two years
New my mothers methods of discipline were unfair and probably made me a timid individual, never thought my mum leaving home (twice) when I was 12 bothered me that much, put out of my mind the frightening feelings I had as I watched my sister being violently pushed around by her husband when I was 14/15. Astonished when talking through my childhood to my physiatrist that I burst in to tears numerous times about things I've never cried about before. Even more astonished to hear my current mental health problems are due to childhood trauma. After reading up about complex PTSD no longer astonished. It's me!!!!!! Emotionless hermit zombie
Welcome, Buttonphobic! Glad you're here.
Hi and a warm welcome to OOTS BP. :heythere:
Welcome to the forum :heythere: Glad you found us.
With the diagnosis cptsd, everything can fall into place :yes:
Welcome :grouphug:
I am new here too.
Welcome. Glad you found OOTS.
Hi button phobic welcome. Im in the UK too and just been taken by secondary services ....such a good acknowledgement of my injuries. Wish u well.on this part of your recovery journey. .
Quote ' emotionless , hemit zombie ..
I can relate but I'm guessing from what u describe you do have emotions and just requires help to bring them out and love ourselves whilst doing it ...being kind to myself is such a gift of self compassion