I wasn't sure exactly where to post this. I thought this section might be the appropriate place.
Since I have joined OOTS, I have found nothing but kindness and encouragement. I cannot express how important those things are to me. When I first joined I wasn't sure what to expect. Honestly, I thought I would be instantly rejected and ignored (that is a pattern with me). None of that ever happened.
From my first post I received nothing but compassion. Every person here goes out of their way to build each other up and try to make a difference in each others lives. Everyone here has been wounded, betrayed and harmed in some significant way, and yet takes the time to offer empathy and genuine concern for each other. Each of you make me feel worthy, that I belong and have value.
This oasis is filled with the walking-wounded, all who have chosen to express love to one another when it would be easier to withdraw and hide from the world. I'm not sure what I would do without the collective wisdom that is found here.
Anyway, I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone here.
This is so beautiful, Little2Nothing! You really made my day with this post. :) I feel the same way about my presence here, on the forum. It´s very hard for me to believe that people can be so generous and kind and supportive, but this forum is proving it every day. I´m very grateful to be here and share my healing journey with all of you. I wouldn´t dare to dream about a community like this, with everyone so warm-harted and compassionate. This is the first place in my life, where I feel that I belong. So thank you for sharing this. :grouphug:
I remember feeling the exact same way at a certain point after joining the Oots Forum. That feeling, far from diminishing has grown and grown with each passing day. This Forum has helped me so much it's difficult to express. You worded it perfectly for me too, L2N, thankyou!
Thank you for posting this. I feel it too. I've been a member for close to three years now and I've grown because of the feeling of love and safety here.
I've posted things that would have gotten me scoffed and eye-rolled in the general world, but the people here responded with love, acceptance, validation, kindness...empathy.
I personally believe that empathy is the strongest human tool for healing that exists in the physical world. If we empathize and feel each other's pains and joys, we bring love to each other, to ourselves, and to anyone standing within earshot of the interaction. Love is connection. Connection is love. As I recently learned in my psychedelic treatment experience, love really is all that matters. It's there for all of us. It's what all of us want. And here on the forum, many people give it freely to one another. It is simply...beautiful.
Thank you for your kindness as well.
I think I've said this before: One of my favorite concepts is>.. We were given two arms; one for giving; the other for receiving. If we do both, we keep the healing flow of love moving for everyone.
Thank you L2N for expressing this!
Yes, all of the above L2N :grouphug:
I wholeheartedly agree L2N!!! Thanks for posting this. I feel the same way.
If okay, I'd also like to express my own thanks. I've been part of various other support communities but none of them have felt quite like this one. I've found great warmth and compassion here, and it's the only place I feel where people truly understand me - and vice versa.