Out of the Storm

Treatment & Self-Help => Self-Help & Recovery => Ideas/Tools for Recovery => Topic started by: Kizzie on August 13, 2024, 03:49:27 PM

Title: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Kizzie on August 13, 2024, 03:49:27 PM
Here is a thread in which you can record 3 good things, large or small that happened in your day.  It focuses us on the fact that even on bad days there are usually some good things that happen. On really good days it reminds us that we are moving out of the dark storm of CPTSD more and perhaps that our EFs are fewer and less intense. And how good is that?! :cheer:
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on August 13, 2024, 11:37:50 PM
Good things today...
1. We have so many good things that we now have a part 9 of this thread, heh.
2. I bought an outdoor security camera, haven't set it up yet but already somehow feeling safer from the mere anticipation. I also have thought of other plans to make my house more secure which I look forward to implementing later when I have the time.
3. I watched my cat clean her back leg by holding it close to her face with both front paws. Every now and then her leg would slip from her grip and she'd wrestle herself trying to get it back. It was just very cute and heartwarming to watch.
4. I was able to use my technical knowledge to train my colleague. Am proud of how much I know about the work I do.

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Lolly728 on August 14, 2024, 01:42:21 AM
1. I didn't feel like collapsing and was fairly productive.
2. The summer foliage is still quite green and lush and feels like a hug from Mother Earth.
3. I played some guitar and sang and it felt great.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on August 15, 2024, 06:54:01 PM
Quote from: Lolly728 on August 14, 2024, 01:42:21 AM1. I didn't feel like collapsing and was fairly productive.

 :applause:  :cheer: from a fellow collapser. It's just so wonderful when there are times of non-collapse :)


1) I'm looking after 3 guinea pigs and they're making progress in trusting me :)
2) Even the most skittish and anxious one took a few blades of grass one by one from my fingers
3) Really good singing lesson today, in a body therapy kind of way. I left smiling like the Cheshire cat ;D
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Lolly728 on August 15, 2024, 09:30:23 PM
To be honest, most of the time I don't. I don't like collapsing, there is so much I want to do in life.

I totally understand the joy that singing brings and how it floods your body, particularly after a good lesson, but really any time.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: WeAreAllAPartOfUniverse on August 20, 2024, 09:40:42 PM
1. I managed an important deadline today and was experiencing fear and sadness while I was taking care of my task. But it wasn't stopping me. I thought: ,,This is what you've done to me! This us you!My feelings are valid, but don't stop me!"
2. I went out to a concert from one of my modt beloved artists with my husband.
3. On that concert I met a women, who went there on her own, and she was just a nice soul.
Thankful for today <3
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on August 22, 2024, 05:35:23 AM
1. I have enough work experience that I was able to sit a group of colleagues down and train them. It was daunting, but I did it...
2. It's started raining and it's supposed to rain for a few more days this week. Rain is very calming.
3. I sated my craving for matcha milk tea.

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on September 28, 2024, 12:03:50 AM
Quote from: Lolly728 on August 15, 2024, 09:30:23 PMTo be honest, most of the time I don't. I don't like collapsing, there is so much I want to do in life.

Sorry for misunderstanding thru assuming your collapsibility is like mine. I can't actually avoid it by wanting to, doesn't work.

Anyway to the topic of this thread: 3 Good Things Today

1) Really good trauma therapy session today

2) Saw a nutria for the first time. It was wandering around the train station, which was probably not a Good Thing for the nutria, but it was interesting to see it. Lots of people waiting at the station got all chatty too, after deliberating on who to phone so the nutria could be rescued.

3) I cooked myself a bunch of different veg and some noodles this evening, first time cooking in 'quite a while' apart from heating up a few items of convenience food in the oven.

4) I went to our local library's games evening. It was fun.

5) Near my therapist's office a beggar was sitting by the road singing what sounded like hymns to me, in a language I don't recognise. It sounded hauntingly beautiful. I put a few coins in her cap and when she paused briefly I asked what she was singing and it turned out to be spiritual music, in Rumanian. I think she was Rom. I stood around briefly just to listen.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: greencat on September 30, 2024, 10:25:58 PM
1. I needed to make a phone call that I was dreading, because I always dread phone calls. I made the call, and now I don't have to worry about making it anymore.
2. I had a yummy dinner.
3. I am enjoying my current audiobook.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on October 01, 2024, 11:21:29 AM
Quote from: greencat on September 30, 2024, 10:25:58 PMI needed to make a phone call that I was dreading, because I always dread phone calls. I made the call, and now I don't have to worry about making it anymore.

I dread making phone calls too, tho it has got better over the years. I find there's always at least one person on the forum who has some symptom or problem that I have, I'm never alone with whatever.

Anyway  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer: on having made the phone call
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Hope67 on October 02, 2024, 10:27:25 AM
1) I put some scented body butter on my feet.
2) I did 10 minutes of some body movement.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on October 22, 2024, 12:19:58 PM
1) It's taking somewhat less effort for me to get up, do things, leave the house

2) I took a couple of little walks today, from A to B, but nice walks anyway due to autumn colours, being by little river etc

3) Discovered today that my choir director is giving up one choir, but not both!!
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on October 24, 2024, 06:40:12 PM
1) Continued improvement in getting up, doing bits of this and that and especially in leaving the house!

2) I picked some garden flowers including some big showy red ones (type of hibiscus maybe) and so have three vases of flowers dotted about my apartment. (The hibiscus were actually on the compost heap since LL had cut them back completely tho they're not quite over. Otherwise I never would have dared to take them. While still attached to the rooted plant, they belong in the garden.)

3) The sun shone briefly and brightly in the afternoon, which I first enjoyed sitting in front of my living-room window phoning someone and then enjoyed in the garden, where I felt able to do a little weeding w/o worrying about LL stipulating 'all or nothing'. Nice to weed in the warm autumn sun.

4) I just had a nice chat with my godson, who's coming to visit in a few days. He's very much looking forward to what I'd tentatively planned for Sunday to Monday, so that's great and helps me look forward to the visit with less anxiety etc
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on October 25, 2024, 03:25:28 PM
1) Had a good trauma therapy session this morning. I was more spontaneously willing to continue looking at things on my own as they will probably come up within the next week. That's heartening because it's a willingness from within my feelings, not my head. It was Inner Child work and I managed to dialogue well and interpret well within the session too.

2) The sun has been shining all day and I've been out in the garden enjoying it while doing odd jobs as well as enjoying the warmth and light coming into my apartment

3) Continue to get on better with tidying and cleaning. Still difficult, but less difficult. Been doing some tidying, but also washing and then hanging it out to dry in the  :sunny:  :sunny:

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on October 26, 2024, 09:29:34 PM
1) Managed some tidying and quite a bit of cleaning today

2) It was warmer than expected today, which was nice, and I went into town centre in the morning, ran into quite a few people I know to say 'hello' to etc. and I noticed how that upped my mood. I also got everything done in town that I'd planned, without even checking my little list, which maybe helped a little too :sunny:

3) Had good Zoom Group. :)
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on October 30, 2024, 09:34:47 PM
1) I really enjoyed choir practice tonight.

2) Tho I haven't been to choir practice since before the summer break, there were still a number of people who waved and smiled when I came rushing into the room at the last minute. At least I wasn't actually late ;)

3) Lovely sunny weather and a large tree across the road ablaze with yellowy-brown leaves when the sun's shining on it

4) I managed to run a number of errands today in the centre of town including farmer's market and delivering a belated birthday present to a friend up the hill from town centre. I suddenly felt I had the energy, so let's do this!

5) After a little chat with next door neighbour, I dared to do a little gardening again: dead-heading a rose with fairly small blossoms. It's still blooming pretty furiously but lots of beige dead-heads too, looks better now :)

6) I dared to just start, but also stop when I felt too tired and sore to continue, despite the fact that LL stipulates 'all or nothing'  tho not actually about dead-heading.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on November 09, 2024, 12:27:24 AM
1. I saw some ducklings today.
2. My cat ate some of the pesky silverfish lurking in my house.
3. It's Saturday!

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on November 09, 2024, 10:27:54 PM
1) Zoom Group was helpful
2) Holding a stuffie under my chin
3) Lying warm in bed
4) Reading short biographies of women who were in many ways talented but also often depressed - it was interesting
5) Reading about language evolution esp. English language and allowing myself to find that interesting
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on November 10, 2024, 01:06:35 AM
1. Someone bought me a multiplayer game as a gift so we could play together. He spent money to spend more time with me. I'm wanted? :blink:
2. I've been doing a good job of staying off social media.
3. I've hit a 300 day streak in Duolingo.

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on November 17, 2024, 08:53:00 AM
1. I had a date and had fun. We visited a museum and had a drink. I agreed to it when I was in denial mode about my situation. I went. And understood I cannot possibly date in my current situation. And he may not fit me in a dating way. But we had fun nonetheless. And I could be normal for an afternoon.

2. My friend died. Which is obviously about the least positive thing there is. But I didn't contact him for a while. Then suddenly had an overwhelming urge to go see him. Because I sensed he was dying. I did. Could not reach him. And managed to trace him in hospital. With an amount of luck (I do not know his family and there's hefty privacy rules) that made me feel it was special. Anyway. Because of my instinct and that luck, we could still meet. And say goodbye. Which I value.

3. I could cry out with a colleague. We had a coffee and a chat. He was supportive. 
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on November 20, 2024, 02:06:14 PM
1) The sun is shining, sky is blue, there's a touch of snow on the ground and autumn colours are still on some of the trees. Lovely :)

2) Seeing the sunshine helped me get on my bike for the first time in about 2 weeks and cycle into town centre to run a bunch of errands

3) I've done a bit of tidying and cleaning
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on November 21, 2024, 04:36:18 AM
1. The sun is shining here too. The sun on my back feels very soothing.
2. I've been noticing improvements in my mood since I've started avoiding social media and news.
3. I learned some things today.

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on November 21, 2024, 02:51:52 PM
1. I decided to do a fast. I started by eating only healthy foods for a week. And stop sugar, dairy, gluten and processed food. Ive had nice fruits as breakfast and meat as a lunch.

2. I had a long walk. And cleaned my living room.

3. I don't know if it is the food, but my mood is better.

4. I decided to take a distance from dad. I feel terribly guilty and feel sad not being able to "save" him. But I must think of myself and my child now. He is too manipulative. I cannot recover if I need to have contact. 
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on November 21, 2024, 05:19:43 PM
1) It started snowing properly today. Lovely looking out at the snowflakes drifting down.

2) Experiencing first snowfall of the season is uplifting for me somehow, cheers my spirits

3) Singing lesson was today. In the final voice exercise I felt some joy
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on November 30, 2024, 07:26:36 PM
1) Went to a concert this evening - choir tho not mine, tin whistle and harp
2) This afternoon I did quite a bit of tidying and cleaning. There's still lots to do but I was happy I had the energy and willingness to do what I did
3) Free busrides on Saturday (locally)  :cheer:
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on December 04, 2024, 11:57:13 PM
1. Just appreciating the fact that I no longer experience daily chronic pain. Taking painkillers used to be part of my regular daily medications but now I can't remember the last time I reached for the painkillers.
2. My cats have been very affectionate. They're very soft and warm.
3. Christmas is nearing and though I'm not fond of the holiday itself, I am fond of our organisation going into a change freeze, which means - no big projects or changes till next year!

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Dalloway on December 05, 2024, 06:24:56 PM
1. Today I tried to be extra accepting and patient to myself.
2. I decided to explore the concept of gratitude more deeply.
3. I listened to my authentic self in a certain workplace situation.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on December 08, 2024, 09:07:08 PM
1) Found some important documents :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:

That's enough for today.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on December 09, 2024, 12:03:39 AM
I had a calm day with kid. We had a fun talk.

I said no to dad when he wanted private information.

I had a good laugh with neighbours.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on December 10, 2024, 02:52:34 AM
1. I did a job interview today. Wasn't perfect, wasn't a complete flop either. Just glad to get it over with at the very least.
2. I was able to get a little more sleep than usual last night.
3. I took this cute photo of my cat sitting in a funny position. Doesn't seem very comfortable. :)

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on December 11, 2024, 08:55:27 AM
Sounds good Aphotic! When will you hear about the job?

For yesterday:

1. I visited a new gynaecologist in a new hospital. I was scary. And it was a man. But he was very good at dealing with PTSD stuff. And
   superkind. It was a major hurdle and went well.
2. There's a neighbourhood party and several people inquired if I would come. It will be fun.
3. We didn't have money for a christmas tree and decorations this years. A neighbour learned this. And now everyone is giving us things. A
   (fake) christmas tree. Things to put in it. Candles. Decorations. It is heartwarming.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on December 12, 2024, 08:43:44 PM
1. I survived a talk with CPS and voiced my goals.

2. I am broke. To the point of having no money for food. Today I was surprised with a 20 euro food cheque and bag of food by the local social work organisation.

3. My kid has his birthday tomorrow and will be with me.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on December 12, 2024, 10:49:16 PM
Seems a lot of major Good Stuff today, Mathilde.  :cheer: Congrats on getting through talk with CPS and voicing your goals.


Good things for me today, hm, let me see

1) Enjoyed reading part of a historical novel
2) Enjoyed looking at a series of up-close squirrel photos
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: SenseOrgan on December 14, 2024, 06:18:23 PM
1. Had a not terrible night of sleep due to a benzo
2. Jogging went alright
3. Got really sweet feedback from a friend
4. Partially came out of overwhelm and was able to post here again
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on December 14, 2024, 07:35:20 PM
Thanks Blueberry.

Seems like a good thing, SenseOrgan. Would you want to share the feedback? Feel absolutely free not to! It can be good to speak out our good sides. But only if you want to.


1. I worked again. My colleagues were the sweetest. My workkids too. They do not speak. Or barely. But have brilliant gifts in other areas. I made drawings with a 9 year old with creative talent. She has her own artistic style. And shows a vast phantasy life in drawing. Just not in words. It's a joy to see her work. There is a 10 year old boy I work with. He has emotional talent that is wondrous. I'm considered sensitive. But this boy is humbling...we walked outdoors. He can wander in front of traffic, so he held my hand. I was at peace. But suddenly had angry intrusions. The boy withdrew his hand. Right away. And started to cry. We were side by side. I showed nothing. He did not see me. But he refused to even walk with me. Until I stopped my mean thoughts. ;D He knew. I'm sure. Because he always does this. Am I at peace? He likes me. Am I near and not at peace? He gets upset. My colleague says it is him. That he is always upset about nothing. That I was calm and did no wrong. But I disagree. It was me, not him. He's just eerily sensitive to our mood. He mirrored me and forced me to bring my mind to peace. Before I was allowed to be near. That is...a great lesson. In several ways. 
2. I had a Christmas present. A bag! It is strong and beautiful. And I needed one. But could not afford. Nice.

3. Kid had his birthday. We had cake, balloons, a card and all. And I invited dad to go out for a birthday dinner for kid. It took me some courage. But it was good. I think kid was happy we did this together. Dad and I did well this time. It was about time. 
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: SenseOrgan on December 15, 2024, 07:33:43 AM
Maria S
You're so attuned! The kids you work with are lucky to have you. Happy birthday to kid  :cake:  :party:

Thank you for inviting me to elaborate. I experience shame around being praised and I was only vaguely aware that I was avoiding it here too. So here we go... My friend expressed gratitude for me and our friendship. She said I have a lot of beautiful qualities. She appreciates how I can formulate things clearly, never judge her and are always supportive. She finds that really beautiful and inspiring. It kind of leaves me speechless. Handling such positive feedback is a challenge in it's own right for me. I am letting it in as much as I can and do appreciate what she said despite that aspect. I also appreciate the vulnerability it takes to give somebody this kind of feedback. Especially since my friend is dealing with the same stuff we are dealing with.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on December 15, 2024, 10:27:49 AM
Thank you for the compliment and birthday wishes. I'm not always attuned, sometimes I'm so overwhelmed I cannot. But I love working with these kids.

Those were beautiful compliments you got. That says something about you. It is great you can be all that to her. And also that she finds the words to speak that out. That sounds like a good friendship, mutually.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on December 15, 2024, 11:39:14 AM
1) Finally got some washing off the outside line, where it's been hanging for about 10 days thru rain and snow, re-washed and hung up.

2) Second load in the washing machine rn

3) I feel a bit better sorted and more able to get on with (some) things
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on December 15, 2024, 08:37:10 PM
Oh Blueberry, you just made my day. I had my laundry hanging outside. In the rain. For a week. And felt a bit different. The help says nobody leaves the laundry outside anymore, in winter. I feel a lot less alone now. ;D

1. Kid was here.
2. I spoke to my friend on the phone and I drank coffee with people from my neighbourhood.
3. I feel calm today. I did not need anxiety medication for days.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: SenseOrgan on December 16, 2024, 11:19:36 AM
Maria S
Yeah it's great we met. We have our issues to thank for that.
The same goes for this forum and the wonderful people visiting here. You can take that as a compliment yourself ;) 
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on December 17, 2024, 10:12:29 AM
Thanks! That is kind! Likewise.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on December 24, 2024, 10:22:30 AM
1) I bounded out of bed today, while it was still dark and before my alarm (not because it's Christmas Eve I hasten to add, but because today the energy and wherewithal are there)

2) I'm taking a little break now, but I've been quite active tidying and cleaning and throwing out papers

3) I enjoyed shovelling snow out front

4) Christmas celebrations start this afternoon here and I have a celebration to go to, followed by late night church service
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on December 26, 2024, 06:49:55 AM
1. I planted some basil. It's my first garden plant... have no idea how it'll go.
2. I did an errand for someone.
3. Best of all: I have the house to myself again!! :cheer:

Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on January 10, 2025, 02:15:12 PM
1) It's a little sunny and there's snow on the ground again

2) I bounded out of bed at about 5am, with motivation having clicked back on all by itself

3) I've been getting on with my taxes from 2022 and 2023, which has also involved phoning the Tax Office and my accountants and both calls went fine. Despite me being so late with 2022, I was treated as an adult and not harangued the way e.g. my parents would have done to me. It was just straight-forward - this is what you have to do now, by xy date. Relief.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Chart on January 10, 2025, 05:36:16 PM
1) I received a power tool I've been badly needing (but had been putting off for a long long time due to financial anxiety) in the mail today. I still have some money stress going on, but this tool will permit me to do a job in two weeks soooooo much easier without extra frustration and stress AND is imperative in the long term...

2) Both my telephone problem AND my chainsaw problem have cleared up kinda all by themselves... I'm still scratching my head about it all, but for the moment these two things are no longer a problem...

3) I received some long-awaited official documents I'd requested but one of which was not officially certified because of the absence of the name of the official on the paper they had notarized... which was totally not my fault... I nonetheless managed to contact by phone the two principal parties involved to be clear of the steps to correct the error and got off the incomplete document with the missing info, and thus should have it corrected in about a week. I then contacted the overseas administrator with scans of these documents to request if in fact these papers would be accepted as proof of my divorce here... I received a positive response and details on how to begin the process... this will cost me about 200 USD but! my divorce will finally be "officialized" in the US... this will close a chapter of my life that has lasted 23 years...
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on January 10, 2025, 06:11:28 PM
Sounds good.

I had a * day. But:

1. I changed my blood thinner and can think again. Jeej. The other one gave me bad brain fog.
2. My dad was kind today and picked up a med for me.
3. My GP listened to me kindly.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on January 11, 2025, 10:59:15 PM
1) A joy almost every day now for weeks - I got some new spoons and forks at a freebie thing, to replace some ugly ones. The new ones have nice, bright, orangey-red handles. Every time I use one, I notice how happy it makes me :)

2) Today and yesterday I made definite progress in finding important papers and filing them

3) I've been able to file some papers directly in the recycling bin ;) Every bit out of the way and gone for ever helps

4) My table is definitely less cluttered, the piles of paper reduced in height, I can see some more and more of the surface ;D

5) Some  :sunny: today

6) Yesterday: left my EF behind me. Wherewithal for Onwards once more :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on January 12, 2025, 03:41:57 PM
1) I made myself a hotsnack today

2) Making lots more progress tidying and tossing papers

3) My office tabletop is almost clear (for the first time in about a year), soon I'll be able sort specific papers for tax accountant :cheer:
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Chart on January 12, 2025, 05:59:23 PM
Very cool BB!!!
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on January 12, 2025, 10:20:15 PM
1. Im still alive
2. Saw kid today
3. Cleaned shower
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on January 16, 2025, 11:30:37 PM
1) I finally bought myself a new mouse for my computer and it's working perfectly! (The old one was always getting 'stuck').

Quote from: Blueberry on January 12, 2025, 03:41:57 PM2) Making lots more progress tidying and tossing papers

Ditto, for yesterday too.

Quote from: Blueberry on January 12, 2025, 03:41:57 PM3) My office tabletop is almost clear (for the first time in about a year), soon I'll be able sort specific papers for tax accountant :cheer:

Specific papers sorted, filed, and handed in to tax accountant.
Tabletop still only almost clear, but at least all that's on it actually belongs there and is part of work-in-progress.

4) More clear space around and under my office table and in various other parts of my apt, as well as things flowing again in general in my mind, e.g. new ideas on how to change a few things around in my apt. Some done already. :cheer:

5) The past two nights I've been rubbing ointment into my very dry and sore feet
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Sunshineandwarmth on January 17, 2025, 02:43:04 AM
Dear Blueberry,

I was having a * day and your post helped me feel a little bit better.


Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on January 17, 2025, 01:50:18 PM
You're very welcome Sunshine! :hug:

So that's 1 GOOD thing for you - you read my post and felt a little better

That's what this thread is all about - finding at least one thing a day that was good or even just OK. Writing those good things doesn't mean that the rest of the day had to be good. iow writing the good stuff doesn't necessarily negate the bad and the difficult we all go through. But it can help a teensy tiny little bit with healing. Just one more Tool in the Toolbox  :)


So, while I'm about it

1) I allowed myself to stay longer in bed than planned because I obviously needed the rest
2) Got another load of washing in the machine
3) Some more realisations
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on January 17, 2025, 07:33:07 PM
1. A friend from church came by with a present and card from my birthday.

2. I am in debt, have to pay a lot for my studies and medical expenses. It is stressful. But I found out I get 600 euros back from taxes. :))

3. I felt like crap, yet managed to go to a care meeting and clean my living room and kid is here and I did administration tasks too. So I managed to be a normal person in between the panic. Somehow. 
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Hope67 on January 28, 2025, 03:58:12 PM
1. I tidied my wardrobe and folded up clothes that had got in a mess.  It feels good to have sorted it out.
2. I hemmed some trousers using my sewing machine, which is a major thing for me - I feel so proud of doing that.
3. I am happy to have done the above two things.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: SenseOrgan on January 28, 2025, 07:29:23 PM
1. Cleaned my dirty sink. That had been months and only took a few minutes...
2. Did the dishes (partially)
3. Vacuumed here and there between the chaos
4. Took a cold shower again after a hiatus of a month or so
5. All after a rough night, with low energy and soso mood, but without too much of an effort, where it usually feels like dragging my corpse up a hill :aaauuugh:
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on January 29, 2025, 07:41:59 PM
That sounds like useful days.

1. I was kind and forgiving to dad.
2. Kid was sick but is getting better
3. I went to the museum
4. I I had a laugh with a woman I know. It's been ages since I had a good laugh. And it was actually something sad that lead to it.
5. I read a very comforting story about parents. How they are not gods, and even if they hurt you, they gave you the best they had. I don't think this is true for truly psychopathic parents. But it was true for mine. It also spoke about getting away from them, as in have looser contact. I'm really working on processing everything. Which brings pain and progress.
6. I am switching to a clean dairyfree gluten-free sugarfree diet and it helps.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on January 31, 2025, 08:43:04 PM
1. I spoke to CPS. Had a good talk. They may still build up. I need to recover in a few months time, clean my house and get back to work.
2. I discovered I do a lot better without gluten and worse with gluten. To the point of having severe nightmares and terrors when
   challenging myself with bread after a few weeks glutenfree. This is an easy thing to implement and see changes.
3. I had a superlong walk. I'm getting stronger again and the embolism scare is over.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on February 01, 2025, 04:50:23 PM
1. I worked again.
2. I took a brisk walk. I do so early every day.
3. I ate healthy food lately.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: SenseOrgan on February 01, 2025, 07:24:35 PM
1. Woke up semi-rested.
2. Woke up in good spirits.
3. Managed to book a flight.
4. Running went well. It was still freezing, the landscape was white and the sun was out. Perfect winter weather.
5. Took a cold shower.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on February 08, 2025, 02:23:25 PM
Sounds good SenseOrgan!

1. I worked at the daycare and had fun. My little autistic friend is an admirer. He wants to sit next to me and play with me and be cuddled and says I am the sweetest. It is nice to hear, but also I just really have fun.

2. It is sunny and I walked for maybe an hour.

3. I visited the neighbourhood cafe and was enthusiastically received.

4. I am sort of relaxed.

5. Kid will be here in a minute.

6. A church lady will bring something small to lift me up!

7. I cleaned the toilet and the home.

Good day! It helps me to be active and social despite the pain.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on February 17, 2025, 02:48:08 PM
1. I visited my friend. I love him. He said I changed a lot for the better the last years, became much more mild, open and reflective.

2. I worked. I was always praised for superficialities at home, like looks and intellect. Never for true things like values or character. At my job, I can be my original self. It is a simple and lighthearted and caring place. I'm praised for things that are important. And not rejected over flaws. I feel safe there.

3. Kid is here. We are joking and teasing each other.

4. It is sunny.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on February 19, 2025, 04:39:55 PM
1) Seen the first flowers of spring in our garden! Little yellow winter aconites peeping up through dead leaves on flower beds

2) I was listening to Canadian national anthem yesterday on Youtube and it's still running in my head  :)

3) I'm doing better again after my deep EF and some things progressed under the surface during it :cheer:
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on February 19, 2025, 04:56:09 PM
Sounds good!

1. I finally decided to work on my life, rather than feel depressed or try to get dad to cooperate.

2. Cps was more positive than I thought.

3. I had a drink at the coffee bar
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on February 21, 2025, 05:25:31 AM
1. I visited a friend! I'm worried as she seems manic. And her husband seems annoyed by that. But at the same time she was so happy and chatty and full of faith, that it worked positive on my mood as well.

2. I started building my own life. And focusing on my own things.

3. Coincidentally my friend knows a home in her vicinity, and if cps works along, it would allow me to move away from family and into  a beautiful nature environment where I could make a new start. It would be close enough for kid to travel back and forth. But away from the city where all my family lives. And everyone knows me as having been ill before.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Mathilde on February 23, 2025, 12:04:00 AM
1. I did a lot of integrative and forgiving work.

2. I was asked for a little volunteer task.

3. I have a cold and did nothing. And that is okay.
Title: Re: Three Good Things Today (Part 9)
Post by: Blueberry on March 11, 2025, 08:44:47 PM
1) It was sunny this morning and I was outside a bit enjoying it
2) I had a nice chat with an elderly lady on the bus
3) Good talk with my occup. T this morning
4) Making myself a hot water bottle because I'm feeling the cold