Out of the Storm

Treatment & Self-Help => Treatment => Therapy => Topic started by: Secondchance on November 03, 2024, 02:47:11 PM

Title: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 03, 2024, 02:47:11 PM

I looked and was shocked that it was early August when I wrote as a newcomer. Where has that three months gone? Therapy I guess, as it has taken up most of this time.

I woke up to reality in February recovering from Christmas with my now understood narcissist scapegoat abusive family ie my (golden child) brothers lot. It was rushing in, that a bad situation was way worse than I thought and had been wrecking my life until then.

My mother had been a narcissist I am sure and my father not much better.

So I asked the mental health team for therapy for it and began the long wait. I saw a young therapist about four months later and really liked her. However she said she was still a trainee and my case was too much for her. Pity as she was intelligent and passionate about her work.

So another wait, then an appointment which was cancelled at the last minute (sickness) than another wait. I then had a therapist and telephone calls. She said she was trauma informed but I know now she did not mean complex trauma.

So the sessions went okay I guess because I had no one else to talk to and begin to tell my story. She did not get me or understand what I meant that CBT was not touching the point that hurt. She was flexible though and did not push me. I felt that I was having to educate her a lot and just telling her in the sessions what I had learned from the internet and especially my new book by Dr Russell Kennedy on anxiety which I thought brilliant and which she did not even look at.

Now it is finished and I have to fill a form about the therapy and I don't know how to tell them that listening to podcasts and youtube helped me more.

So now I find that here is a bereavement religious charity that helps those grieving (many members of family including two adult children, a sister, and a grandson) who all died young and tragically.

I felt that grief had been coming up lately for my son and perhaps my body was ready to work through it all at last so that is why I looked into that charity as I had met them on a retreat and they seemed lovely people. I know now that love is the most important thing.

I had a few experiences of it in the past, when I came across some loving people all of whom had some sort of ministry. Just finding people who care touches me deeply. But maybe we need both, the love and the training. So I am wondering which direction to go in.

One way I will not be going is with a national charity for those with family suicides. I rang their helpline and found a man who kept interrupting and not listening to me who dysregulated me till the next day so I saw the danger of not being cautious enough.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Kizzie on November 03, 2024, 05:54:15 PM
I think it's important to "listen to your gut" so to speak and if you are ready to deal with your grief by finding and joining a supportive and caring bereavement group then that's a good path to try. You have the death of loved ones to deal with, but also the myriad of other losses survivors suffer because of trauma. That's a lot of grief.   

I hope you find a group that helps :hug:
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 04, 2024, 10:26:04 AM
Hey @Kizzie

Thanks for the reply.  :hug: Sometimes my gut tells me but not at the moment, apart from caution about groups since I worked out the reason I have problems taking part in any group discussion, is due to needing to stay silent from my childhood when it was unsafe to stand out. It means staying out of sight as well.

I remember clearly as a child, wishing that I was born dumb so I would stay out of trouble.

What happens I think is, that the group pick up my discomfort and it makes them tense so the situation gets worse and I butt in, getting the timing wrong, if I speak at all. I tried to explain this to my last T and all she could say was 'well just apologize in the times that you butt in' which was not much help, as it made me feel like, does she not think I thought of that?

Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Chart on November 04, 2024, 11:48:29 AM
Hey Secondchance, sorry you're struggling with the mediocre therapist. So many people, even professionels just don't understand that opening up is just so so hard. Could you request to go back to that first therapist? I hear you about educating our therapists... I've mentioned Pete Walker to dozens of professionals in France (where I live). I'm certain none of them have given it the slightest thought. His book was finally released in a French translation last month. I know of only one person in France who knows about it. We're not out of the woods yet.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 04, 2024, 03:02:03 PM
Hi Chart

I don't think I can go back to that T. It's so frustrating isn't it that many do not do their own research and just pump out what they were taught. I am done with the National Health Service and have no fear of doing most of it myself and would so all of it if I had someone to talk to which is why I am trying that charity service from the Catholic church.

Sounds pretty bad in France.

I am overwhelmed anyway as I have late stage Lyme Disease with no medical help. I am using alternative methods but it takes a long time. xx
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: AphoticAtramentous on November 05, 2024, 01:56:00 AM
Quote from: Secondchance on November 03, 2024, 02:47:11 PMSo the sessions went okay I guess because I had no one else to talk to and begin to tell my story. She did not get me or understand what I meant that CBT was not touching the point that hurt.
I get you there. I think Chart used the right word here, "mediocre". Like, not making things worse, but not making things much better either. And sometimes it does feel like the therapist is just there to vent to rather than actually fix anything. I really wish more therapists would specify exactly what kind of trauma they help with on their bios.

Sorry you've been dealing with this stuff.

Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Chart on November 05, 2024, 09:04:06 AM
Secondchance, I'm so sorry to hear about your lime malady. I had a friend who caught that, it's very very difficult. Please keep trying to get good medical care. It's so hard and frustrating. I wish you all the best.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 05, 2024, 05:26:55 PM
Quote from: AphoticAtramentous on November 05, 2024, 01:56:00 AM
Quote from: Secondchance on November 03, 2024, 02:47:11 PMSo the sessions went okay I guess because I had no one else to talk to and begin to tell my story. She did not get me or understand what I meant that CBT was not touching the point that hurt.
I get you there. I think Chart used the right word here, "mediocre". Like, not making things worse, but not making things much better either. And sometimes it does feel like the therapist is just there to vent to rather than actually fix anything. I really wish more therapists would specify exactly what kind of trauma they help with on their bios.

Sorry you've been dealing with this stuff.


Thanks Aphotic. Yes mediocre describes it well, but there was a little negative in that I spent so much time during the week preparing for the session trying to explain succinctly what I had been learning from my research, of which she showed little interest in as it was not in support of CBT. It was only described as a trauma informed therapist and I asked but she had not had trauma herself.

I wonder if it is possible to be helped by people like that.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 05, 2024, 05:29:28 PM
Quote from: Chart on November 05, 2024, 09:04:06 AMSecondchance, I'm so sorry to hear about your lime malady. I had a friend who caught that, it's very very difficult. Please keep trying to get good medical care. It's so hard and frustrating. I wish you all the best.

Thanks Chart. There is little chance of finding help as the lyme literate docs charge so much and it would have to be on Zoom anyway. I am using frequency therapy and hoping I will have success this time round. It is a horrible illness.  :hug:
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 17, 2024, 05:16:46 PM
Two weeks now out of therapy and I am losing weight.

I must have been overeating during my 8 weeks with the therapist, a sign of stress for me, and now it has stopped. Feeling better overall since it stopped. It makes me wary of looking for another therapist.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 19, 2024, 04:17:34 PM
After Christmas at my nieces, where I was just about shunned, no doubt in return for the withdrawal I have been doing since then, when the reality of FSA hit me, I have been torturing myself with whether I should break contact with my golden child brother and his family.

I thought I would wait but could not go again there for Christmas which has been the main time I have seen them, having been left out of the last wedding.

So I decided that I would just say I could not go but keep it friendly for now, but what excuse could I make? It has tortured me all year till yesterday when I sent a message:

Hey ..... just to let you know that I will not be spending Christmas with you. I am planning on having a quiet day alone but hope you all have a merry Christmas.

I thought I should just say what I was doing. It worked! I got a message back to say if I change my mind come (haha, I was given a plate of food with gluten on even though they know I am GF)

SO relieved that I said what I did!

Sorry I am not joining in much on this forum. I am trying to treat Lyme Disease without help and it takes all of my time and energy to plan it out and use Rife. I am very later stage with it and very ill indeed. The FB support group lost 3 members this year with it.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Papa Coco on November 24, 2024, 07:10:55 PM

I'm so sorry to hear you're dealing with Lyme's!

Congratulations on sending your note and now knowing you are off the hook at Christmas. Being not included in a family wedding is all it would take for me to just walk away from them all. It riles up my anger just reading that they did that to you.

But that's me. I have a hair trigger for leaving permanently when I know I'm not wanted somewhere. I can be a runner, but only when I feel like it's either time to fight for respect or go someplace where respect is given more respectfully. I never want to be where I'm not wanted. I don't fight for myself. If people don't want to treat me with respect, I'm done. Gone. I can make new friends. I went 100% No Contact with my big family in 2010. I was 50. My ONLY regret is that I wish I'd done it 22 years sooner when I was 18.

When I went No Contact with my family, I started joking a bit with people at work. They'd come by my desk to complain about how they have to spend the holidays with their mean parents or their insane in-laws. I'd jokingly blurt out, "I don't!" (Everyone knew I had gone NC with my FOO, so they all got the joke). AND it's a joke steeped in truth. The Holidays are miserable for too many people. When we join in with family because we feel an obligation, are we having a good time? I started inviting friends to TG dinner and I told my peers at work, "Why would I spend holidays with family when I could spend them with people I like?"

Too many of us stress for too long knowing we have to endure our family for a few hours on a holiday. (I sometimes call that "Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder"). You spent a year stressing over this year's Christmas. I'm just very glad you are now off the hook for it this year. I hope you have a stress-free Christmas this year.

Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 26, 2024, 07:27:09 AM
Thank you so much for that @Papa Coco.

Yes late stage Lyme is a pain, in more ways than one. But I am starting to get on top of it and my 5 autoimmune conditions because of it are easing. My vertigo is gone which was something that really concerned me with the thought of having to give up driving. All down to my new rife device I am sure though it cost me an arm and leg.

Thanks for feeling anger about my family's lack of invitation to the latest wedding, which failed by the way after only two years. I am so pleased to have anger stirring in me from all of the effects of the abuse, including the strong sense of duty towards them and the feeling that everyone else has more right to be alive than myself. 

It feels so wonderful to be gaining freedom.

Good for you that you had the strength to walk away when you did. I am proud of you! I am feeling a a bit of a dread that I will regret not breaking contact sooner. I wanted to cut contact with my mother over 30 years ago but worried that it would embarrass her when others found out. Her welfare before mine.

I may cut contact this coming year when I am more in my skin as it were about this huge change in my life since 'waking up'. I must get Lyme sorted first.

Thanks for the good Christmas wishes! The whole of December used to stress me out beyond belief. I would spend weeks wondering what to buy my mother, no doubt in the hope that she would at last love me! Ha! What sane person would want her love!

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 26, 2024, 11:51:27 AM
 "Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder"

Haha very good!

The worst Christmas I had was when I offered to help on Christmas Day at a local Salvation Army homeless cafe as I was going to be alone.

After the meal, the homeless group of mainly males, all left together, no doubt to get drunk together for the rest of the day. I did not blame them for that. The other helpers left to drive to rejoin their families for the rest of the day, and I went home to an empty flat/apartment, feeling more alone than just about any time in my life.

To top it all, I became very ill after having an exposure of pesticide sprayed in at risk public places to which I am highly sensitive.

I am very pleased you responded to my post, Papa, as I am now reading your recovery journal and am being helped enormously by it, just feeling an identification with someone.

There are many things where we have shared experiences, like being the scapegoat of a narcissistic FOO, schizophrenia in family and suicide (my son at age 31 who was schitzo as well as sister.

There was a big religious influence on me from my immigrant GG's from Northern Ireland though my parents were atheists. I grew up to become a Christian myself at 23 after an encounter with God that changed my life. I have found church to be an unsafe place for people with cPTSD.

I am up to page 4 and will get back to you.     
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Chart on November 28, 2024, 07:34:17 AM
Hey Secondchance, glad to hear you're having positive results with your lime treatment. I'm spending Christmas alone this year too. It's my ex's year to have the kids. I'll have them next year. I'm linda relieved as it is less stress and pressure. I'll have them at New Year's. We'll just play games and eat. Should be okay.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on November 28, 2024, 08:10:19 AM
Thank you Chart  :hug:

Will be thinking of you! Have a lovely restful day. I will.

Not feeling better yet, but the evidence is there. Also joint improvement from supplementing boron.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on March 01, 2025, 09:32:20 AM
Sorry I've not been around since November. It has been my health problems - getting so much worse, and having to spend so much time researching and trying things out. No help with chronic Lyme here, in fact I have heard sufferers say their GP laughed when they said they thought their problems was due to this.

During this time, I have found two new counsellors - both from charities and both subsidized, and I have had two sessions with each, so now I must choose. Well I have chosen but have wondered whether I could keep going with two and if that ever works out.

Neither has asked me if I do have another counsellor, so I feel that I am not breaking the rules, (though the juggling will be difficult) and my recent finding of Carolyn Spring, coach and teacher on cPTSD has shown me that, the things that I have accepted from the big traumatologists are not necessarily true.

For example, Carolyn says that as someone who has had DID and severe abuse both sexual and other, including rapes resulting in two pregnancies in a very young girl, having a counsellor who is empathetic is far more important than 'trauma informed'. I was under the belief that it was something that I should look for.

The first counsellor is the first one I have felt that she is sitting alongside of me. We gelled quickly even though she is not trauma informed but she gets me. The other is not empathetic and after-wards I do not feel great which I do after the first one. But I wondered if I could use the session to maybe talk about different aspects of the huge grief I carry if two sessions are better than one.

I also had the latest results from the lab I use that does Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This tests for minerals and their ratio as a way of seeing what exactly is going on in the body regarding metabolism and stress levels. Blood tests are not so good as the blood is constantly balanced by the body to keep things going and changes constantly.

My results have been concerning this past year. The good news is that I found someone who can interpret them in greater depth for me and advise about diet and helpful herbs. She is on the same page as me concerning natural healing.

So there has been a lot going on for me and I feel that after the last NHS counsellor, I had become stuck, but now am hopeful again. 

Apparently I am now in adrenal burnout and it will take some time to put right, and my kidneys are showing sign of trouble, as well as spikes in blood sugar. I do feel terrible. However, since hearing that I am in a bad way, I have all of a sudden been able to control my overeating and weight is going down which will help.

Carolyn Spring has been a great help to me having bought two of her books and taken a course of hers. I love her!

I also dislike my screen name, as I was never given a first chance! So hello again.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: dollyvee on March 01, 2025, 11:17:32 AM
Hey Secondchance,

I'm sorry you're going through everything with your NPD family on top of dealing with really significant health issues. I've been in the same boat for the last 10 or so years when I saw a functional medicine practitioner who helped me trace my issues back to mold/mycotoxins and CIRS, which as I understand it is linked to Lyme as well and the way the body cannot process the toxins (referring to Neil Nathan's Toxic here, don't know if you read it).

For me, I've found that health issues can significantly impact the way I am experiencing my trauma, which unfortunately seems to be quite overlooked. However, my t's have been open to it. I found that when inflammation is high, when I eat gluten etc, I have a lot more "body anxiety" and it can be difficult to approach things in a more calm mindset. However, once I began treating these things (gluten is a huge one for me as well as mycotoxins), it helps stabilise my mood. There's a ton of other factors, which I'm sure your aware of, like hormones, active viral infections, gut health etc which can all contribute.

It's difficult but hope you're able to put you first and guve yourself the self care you need to deal with it. Unfortunately, the NHS was also not a help to me with these specific health issues and battled a lot of, it's in your head for years. The most beneficial things for me regarding a t have been someone who supports an idea of agency (specifically NARM and IFS). I grew up from a place (and probably even prebirth) where everything I did was wrong, or I where I had to give up my self for someone else. So, learning to trust myself (ie against doctors saying there's nothing wrong) has been a big, yet difficult, learning curve.

Sending you support and a hug if that's ok  :hug:

Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on March 01, 2025, 03:29:59 PM
dollyvee thank you for the hug which is much appreciated. :hug:

I have been off gluten for a long time and now am off other things like dairy and was off all grains for a time and am highly sensitive to chemicals and many other toxins. I have got my flat pretty much chemical free and low EMF's yet still have high inflammation.(I know Neil Nathan)

There have been many years of fixing these things. I don't depend on doctors AT ALL nowadays and stay well clear.

I did manage to get my then GP to refer me to Hemmel Hempstead private clinic in London but am pleased I did not do what they wanted to do which was put a piccline in for antibiotics as I have heard bad things about that.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Chart on March 01, 2025, 09:53:27 PM
Quote from: Secondchance on March 01, 2025, 09:32:20 AMFor example, Carolyn says that as someone who has had DID and severe abuse both sexual and other, including rapes resulting in two pregnancies in a very young girl, having a counsellor who is empathetic is far more important than 'trauma informed'. I was under the belief that it was something that I should look for.
I agree. I believe empathic-connection is the single most powerful element in the therapeutic process. At the core of ALL developmental trauma is utterly failed attachment/connection. This is titanicly important for childhood self-conception and the capacity to auto-regulate (mind and body). Realizing that empathic-connection is actually possible (even far later in life) is phenomenally important and is probably the true beginning of recovering from trauma.

Quote from: Secondchance on March 01, 2025, 09:32:20 AMI also had the latest results from the lab I use that does Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This tests for minerals and their ratio as a way of seeing what exactly is going on in the body regarding metabolism and stress levels. Blood tests are not so good as the blood is constantly balanced by the body to keep things going and changes constantly.
Thank you for that info! Absolutely fascinating. So many doctors ONLY use blood tests and NEVER discuss the limitations in testing a medium that is in constant flux.

Quote from: Secondchance on March 01, 2025, 09:32:20 AMI also dislike my screen name, as I was never given a first chance! So hello again.
You can change your screen name anytime you like. This won't effect your posts. (Just confuse some folks a little:-)

Quote from: dollyvee on March 01, 2025, 11:17:32 AMFor me, I've found that health issues can significantly impact the way I am experiencing my trauma, which unfortunately seems to be quite overlooked.

However, my t's have been open to it. I found that when inflammation is high, when I eat gluten etc, I have a lot more "body anxiety" and it can be difficult to approach things in a more calm mindset.

However, once I began treating these things (gluten is a huge one for me as well as mycotoxins), it helps stabilise my mood.
I'm exactly the same. I've been experimenting with the Keto diet and it's having a marked impact on my depression.

Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: dollyvee on March 02, 2025, 07:29:49 AM
Yeah it's frustrating about doctors. I have had a couple that are open-minded enough, but this stuff is so far outside their comfort zone. I even had a fmp tell me recently that some of my test results were down to age when it's pretty well known that mold messes up your hormones. It's frustrating to deal with this on top of family stuff.

All the gluten free stuff are steps I tried on my own along the way and kept up with it because I could see what a difference it made. When I eat gluten, it changes my personality and it's like my brain goes into hyper mode and I can't think. Trying to process that anxiety on top of my learned behaviour from NPD family members was a stressful mix. It was like never being able to get a handle on anything.

I know that clinic, but haven't been there. It's good that you found someone helpful and have a safe home. I had to go through quite a few. I think at the end of the day you have to do the treatment that you feel is right. I have a friend who was telling me about his friend and his sensitivity to EMFs. I had just read Neil Nathan's book and said, did he ever live in a flat with mold by any chance? He apparently had to remediate his whole flat because of it. Anyways, I sent him a bunch of information and we connected some months later where he said he tested positive for lyme and was having strong reactions to the antibiotics, which can also be a sign of needing to clear the mold first. I digress, but there's never a clear path forward it seems, just little steps along the way. Regarding the food sensitivities, have you tested for SIBO, or gut dysbiosis? I have those as well, but don't think they're going to budge until I clear the mold unfortunately.

Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on March 04, 2025, 11:21:57 AM
Quote from: Chart on March 01, 2025, 09:53:27 PM
Quote from: Secondchance on March 01, 2025, 09:32:20 AMFor example, Carolyn says that as someone who has had DID and severe abuse both sexual and other, including rapes resulting in two pregnancies in a very young girl, having a counsellor who is empathetic is far more important than 'trauma informed'. I was under the belief that it was something that I should look for.
I agree. I believe empathic-connection is the single most powerful element in the therapeutic process. At the core of ALL developmental trauma is utterly failed attachment/connection. This is titanicly important for childhood self-conception and the capacity to auto-regulate (mind and body). Realizing that empathic-connection is actually possible (even far later in life) is phenomenally important and is probably the true beginning of recovering from trauma.

***How to tell if you have empathetic connection with your counsellor if you don't know what it is, is the question. Also how to know if you could find better. I suppose you have to kiss a few frogs first.

The thing I am concerned about with my new counsellor with whom I am happy for now, is when the allotted sessions end (20) I do not want to have to wait months on a list. So perhaps you have to start 'interviewing' before it ends.

Quote from: Secondchance on March 01, 2025, 09:32:20 AMI also had the latest results from the lab I use that does Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This tests for minerals and their ratio as a way of seeing what exactly is going on in the body regarding metabolism and stress levels. Blood tests are not so good as the blood is constantly balanced by the body to keep things going and changes constantly.
Thank you for that info! Absolutely fascinating. So many doctors ONLY use blood tests and NEVER discuss the limitations in testing a medium that is in constant flux.

***Exactly. It is used for forensic purposes too.

Quote from: Secondchance on March 01, 2025, 09:32:20 AMI also dislike my screen name, as I was never given a first chance! So hello again.
You can change your screen name anytime you like. This won't effect your posts. (Just confuse some folks a little:-)


Quote from: dollyvee on March 01, 2025, 11:17:32 AMFor me, I've found that health issues can significantly impact the way I am experiencing my trauma, which unfortunately seems to be quite overlooked.

However, my t's have been open to it. I found that when inflammation is high, when I eat gluten etc, I have a lot more "body anxiety" and it can be difficult to approach things in a more calm mindset.

However, once I began treating these things (gluten is a huge one for me as well as mycotoxins), it helps stabilise my mood.
I'm exactly the same. I've been experimenting with the Keto diet and it's having a marked impact on my depression.

***The worst thing for me is with Lyme and the moon phases whereby there is a lot more bacterial activity during a full moon.

Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on March 04, 2025, 11:24:22 AM

"Regarding the food sensitivities, have you tested for SIBO, or gut dysbiosis? I have those as well, but don't think they're going to budge until I clear the mold unfortunately."

Yeah I am sure I have that as well but have not tested yet.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on March 04, 2025, 11:25:28 AM
Goodness, does anyone else have problems with this site regarding replying to people?
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Blueberry on March 07, 2025, 04:20:41 AM
Quote from: Secondchance on March 04, 2025, 11:25:28 AMGoodness, does anyone else have problems with this site regarding replying to people?

How do you mean exactly? If I know more specifically, I or others who've been on here a long time can maybe help you?
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on March 07, 2025, 10:07:37 AM
Thanks BB. There does not seem to be a 'new posts' section apart from just the latest one. Navigation seems very complicated here.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Blueberry on March 07, 2025, 10:35:24 AM
Quote from: Secondchance on March 07, 2025, 10:07:37 AMThanks BB. There does not seem to be a 'new posts' section apart from just the latest one. Navigation seems very complicated here.

There are Updated Topics and Unread Posts.
Top of the page, left-hand side, you'll see three idk what you call them: symbols maybe? One looks like a generic person (head and shoulders) and one is a bell. Click on the generic person, and you'll see a list starting with Updated Topics and ending with Log out. Hope this helps. If not, ask again, possibly here: https://www.cptsd.org/forum/index.php?board=65.0 where you might get an answer from somebody better at computer terminology than I am.

I'm on a desktop, it may look different if you're using a mobile phone or other smaller device.
Title: Re: Where to now?
Post by: Secondchance on March 07, 2025, 01:39:48 PM
Thanks BB.