Out of the Storm

Welcome to OOTS - New Members Please Start Here => New Members => Please Introduce Yourself Here => Topic started by: Surviving1996 on January 27, 2025, 02:08:26 AM

Title: Hi, everyone
Post by: Surviving1996 on January 27, 2025, 02:08:26 AM
Here's my story. My entire childhood until I was 17, I was abused in many ways. My dad would assault me and I still remember wearing diapers when he did. My mom would hit me until she couldn't anymore pretty much all the time. She made me go work in 100+ degree weather for 14hrs a day for $25 a day starting at 13 years old and I had to give her every dime. I didn't get clothes, shoes hygiene products etc. I went with out it all. I didn't have a bed. She would also make me shower outside with the hose (in an apartment based neighborhood) and powdered laundry soap. That sums up most of my life I don't want to take this post to long.
Title: Re: Hi, everyone
Post by: Kia1212 on January 27, 2025, 04:15:14 PM
Horrible way to grow up, you did not deserve to be treated that way! Hopefully, you can get therapy to see your parents are the reason you experienced this treatment. Please try to find ways to be good to yourself, it helps believe me. And, most importantly stay away from your parents.
Title: Re: Hi, everyone
Post by: Kizzie on January 27, 2025, 05:04:57 PM
Hello and a warm welcome to OOTS Surviving.  I am truly sorry for what you dealt with growing up and no doubt are struggling with now. It is soul crushing to be treated as you have and that's something we all understand here.  I hope sharing your story will help you to defuel some of the pain and allow you to feel a sense of belonging here.

Title: Re: Hi, everyone
Post by: Hope67 on January 28, 2025, 03:52:51 PM
Welcome  :heythere:
Title: Re: Hi, everyone
Post by: Chart on January 28, 2025, 04:50:03 PM
Welcome Surviving1996, I'm so horrified at your story. You did not deserve any of that. It remains a total shock to me that any human can treat another human in this way, let alone their own child. I'm so sorry for your experience. I hope you are finding help and healing in  your life now. We are all struggling to get past these experiences we had. Here on the Forum I find understanding and compassion for all that I have suffered. It has helped me immensely. I hope it can be the same for you. Welcome, Chart