I don't normally get any followers at all on Facebook because I rarely use it, although I have posted a few things (mostly selfies and quick meaningless diary entries) and added long lost friends from the special needs school (Instagram is for smoke only).
However someone made a friend request and I am not happy. My ego is ruined. My day is ruined after some weird r/im14andthisisdeep level quotes Bible references account followed me on FB. I feel like my younger self. Everyone thinks of me like "dumb cringe smelly disgusting Drunning Kruger that thinks theyre smart but is in fact an idiot making the dumbest predictions ever"
also transvestite that tries to look cool but always looks ridiculous whenever compared to an actually cool person and is also misgendered by like everyone
and has outbursts in public
Ugliest possible human ever
please help
more ecto than endo/meso
more night owl than morning lark
(generally speaking, this is very vague) more I-N-T-x and more ennea 5/6/7/9 than ennea 2/4/6/8
more androgynous-masculine than feminine, macho tough, or like ugly non-binary
etc etc etc
The way i want to be basically
Not to mention the kind of comments id get on my youtube channel that made me insecure af about my personality. This recurring commenter went on and on about how they daydreamed so much, how they preferred their coffee black, how they never left the house, how they didn't care about their physical appearance, meanwhile I was the opposite of that, I felt so ashamed, not to mention how most of the subscribers were kiddy brainrotty accounts rather than genuinely cool people my own age.
Basically whenever I post anything about myself to the internet all the followers are like * dumb ugly bible verse accounts or like trashy 2010s music accounts (everything I hate. Worst case scenario. To the extreme). I get allegations ("these people don't know you" STFU they may be strangers that have never met me IRL but at least they have a good enough idea of who I am from my post history) of being a child or being dumb or being fat or being uncool/cringe or being a hysterical woman or all at the same time, I'm the ugliest possible person ever, everything I do not want to be, and I am contemplating suicide because of it.
Please help, I am drowning in insecurity