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Messages - Love-warrior

Hi Bella and the others,
How brave you are to open up on this. It's truly courageous! I relate to your experiences with no physical contact with my dad at early ages, and a distant/cold mom. We spend our lives searching for that contact. My skin is so dry, and I just learn to touch it tenderly, to smooth with a nice shower and cream. Now I am having skin problems for almost 2 years. I  know my skin is yelling at me for some deep and lasting care. It's been two yeas I am separated from my husband (futur ex) and since then, I have no physical nor sexual contact with someone. I need to negotiate hugs from my son (who is also resisting my hugs by the way!) and my pets. I was told to hug myself by a therapist (look at "butterfly hug" on youtube) and I talk to myself when showering. Well, it's still a very long way to go...
So I am sending you love and take good care, :grouphug:
Hello everyone, I am new in this community. What a relief to read all of your contributions. I read the article and it has a strong echo, especially when the author says "Sometimes, it seems easier to push through because it numbs us from fully feeling our pain. The result is almost always an inevitable crash. And when we crash, we feel like we are being "lazy." And so goes the vicious cycle." I do find myself in this situation and have no idea on how to break the cycle. I am pushing myself to keep going on...yet I know I do not have the energy, so it's an endless process. I push myself to show up as a parent, to show up as a "good worker"...