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Messages - bambie1966

Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: New to forum
December 21, 2015, 06:18:15 PM
 ??? counsellor is suggesting exposure therapy, I understand the principal but what does this look like for someone with my history  :stars:
Please Introduce Yourself Here / Re: New to forum
December 15, 2015, 02:42:32 PM
Thanks both, I'm just trying to find my way through the confusion I'm feeling. My head feels like this  :stars: one of the most difficult parts is trying to explain to those closest to me what I'm struggling with day to day. I've read so much about cptsd, your inner child etc etc there's so much to do and all I want to do is wake up just one morning and feel as fresh as a daisy  :cheer:
Please Introduce Yourself Here / New to forum
December 15, 2015, 11:26:01 AM
I'm nearly 50 years old and have been in therapy for nearly 3 years, just about to go through exposure therapy and extremely frightened. From birth until 26 years have gone through every for of physical, mental and sexual trauma you could imagine by my mother, half brother and outside of the home.