hello GettingThere,
I appreciate your writing what you endured. You have something special within you to withstand those experiences. You found safety, loving support and freedom. I'm glad you also found the forum.
Your observation that trafficking is a part of your story, not your whole story is what I'm drawn to. I'm impressed by your ability to see yourself as a whole person who had trafficking experiences, but refuse to claim that as your identity. Family is such a loaded social idea on a continuum. On the plus side, there's expectations of protection, love, nurture and loyalty. On the negative side, there's betrayal, harm, ongoing persecution. It's insidious that your family did this to you.
I'm happy that you've broken out, away and survived. You've chosen your own family. You are the first person I've read that spoke out on trafficking. I'm encouraged by your attitude and fearlessness.
I appreciate your writing what you endured. You have something special within you to withstand those experiences. You found safety, loving support and freedom. I'm glad you also found the forum.
Your observation that trafficking is a part of your story, not your whole story is what I'm drawn to. I'm impressed by your ability to see yourself as a whole person who had trafficking experiences, but refuse to claim that as your identity. Family is such a loaded social idea on a continuum. On the plus side, there's expectations of protection, love, nurture and loyalty. On the negative side, there's betrayal, harm, ongoing persecution. It's insidious that your family did this to you.
I'm happy that you've broken out, away and survived. You've chosen your own family. You are the first person I've read that spoke out on trafficking. I'm encouraged by your attitude and fearlessness.