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Messages - lolly180

Please Introduce Yourself Here / Excited to be here
September 01, 2024, 02:43:57 AM
I'm so glad to find this website, I feel hopeful about making connections here and having and giving support  :grouphug:

I was neglected and abused in so many ways as a child and have recently been diagnosed with Cptsd at age 31.

For the last 10 years I have been working as an escort which in some ways helped me, I was ultimately left even more traumatised and recently quit.

After almost 15 years of urgently needing support I finally received fully funded therapy for as long as needed. I have gone a lifetime of being unheard.

I have learnt a lot about cptsd and I know that to get better I need to have more positive relationships/conversations with people and I have a great feeling that here will be the perfect place to start  :cloud9: