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Messages - hurtingmother


My kids and I have been through *.   But the story starts with me.  One of my parents is a narcissist, and from that narcissism, I developed CPTSD although I didn't know it.  I tried to escape both it and her by marrying my husband.  And guess what!?  He's a narcissist too.  (We marry that with which we are familiar.)  I'm separated from him now and there is no going back.  But now I am right back at square one.  I have to deal with CPTSD.  I will be seeing a PTSD specialist in the next couple of days.  I really need to kick this because my kids need me.  There is no other option.  I am there mother.  I love them.  And I am desperate to be better than what I've been as a result of being a victim to not one but two narcissists.  Any advise or encouragement would be really great right now.  I am horrified at what I have discovered, but glad too because it all makes perfect sense as I look back over the years.  (Hind sight is always 20/20, isn't it?)  My heart is broken and any encouragement or advice would be great if any of you are willing to give.


Hurting Mother