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Messages - Zighy

Please Introduce Yourself Here / Hi from Sweden!
February 16, 2025, 05:00:43 PM
Hi there all! Glad to have found this site. I grew up in the sixties with a father that abused both me and my mum strongly, and a mum that was emotionally inhibited. Due to that strong ACE I developed C-PTSD and from my late teens til about 25-30 years I tried to escape life through drugs and alcohol. Not the best way. However, as I always knew it wasn't the right way to go I fought back and was using quite "normal" for years. Then I ended up in a relationship that was not good and made the C-PTSD exÄlode again. I didn't know that I founded an addiction in my young years and that addiction now burst to the skies and threatened to bring me off the life stick several times. When I passed 60 I came across the book "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk and realized why my life was the way it was. I've learned about ACE and C-PTSD but it is still hard sometimes. I am still working in health care as an assistant nurse and things are... Okay, relatively. I just wish I could have found this knowledge 20 years ago. But it's never too late... At least I have a few years left where I will try to do my best and with all the new knowledge, I hope to tackle both my ACE and C-PTSD constructively.