Please let me know if this post isn't appropriate for this forum. I don't know what exactly I hope to get out of posting this, but I kind of need to get it off my chest and maybe see if anyone else can wrap their head around or explain my feelings.
I am entering my last year of post-secondary education next year. What makes me sad about this is not just missing classmates I have known for a while, but also that I won't be able to see this one professor again.
For some confusing reason I have developed an attachment to him, even though I don't know him that well and was too shy to speak up in his class most times. From his lectures I have learned that we do have some things in common, like taste in movies, but mostly I don't know that much about him. However, I get this feeling sometimes like I really want to know more about him, which drives me crazy, since there really is no way to, and that thought isn't appropriate.
At first I thought it was a crush, but I have been realizing that it is something different - what, I don't know. I had his class two years ago, and he doesn't teach any other years, so I am sad that I will most likely never see him again or hear his voice again. Strangely however, I am also too scared to try to talk to him or see him in any way. The thing is, when I had his class I was so nervous in it because I was scared to be around him in case I embarrassed myself.
At times I even disliked him or thought he disliked me, since he gave me feedback I thought was too critical once. I don't even know if I completely like him since his work isn't my vibe per say. But I liked it when he gave me good feedback on my work.
Overall, I don't know why I developed this attachment, and I'm worried it might mess with things since this professor has an important advisor role in my program, and if I have to get some kind of help from him I might be too shy to talk to him. I don't have strong feelings that often and for many people, and strangely right now I am not as excited about anyone else as I am him, which I know is insane and makes me feel like a creep, and I wish I wasn't.