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Messages - Tam

Great job posting here! It seems like it was extremely difficult to figure out if you should even do it in the first place and I admire your courage! I often have difficulty with confusion as well.

Welcome! I love having new people to talk to about the many aspects of dealing with CPTSD. Feel free to message me anytime.
General Discussion / Re: Diagnosis questions
April 13, 2016, 04:53:25 PM
Quote from: Kizzie on April 10, 2016, 05:39:12 PMHope you can get assessed properly!   :hug:
Thanks! My problem is getting someone to recognize my PTSD at all. I have told one person about it in a mental health appointment and they seemed to think I was just suffering from regular anxiety and depression. It's hard to figure out exactly what to say to let them know that it's a much bigger problem.

Thanks for the support!
I support you!

I went through a very difficult divorce as well with someone who was simultaneously threatening my life on a regular basis and taking me to court for custody of our child, which was my reason for being. I ended up with major depression after fighting very hard for three years. I know what it's like fighting that battle on top of CPTSD. It definitely made me want to end things, but I always found some kind of silver lining to get me through it. Some days were much worse than others. I hope I can help by supporting a very similar situation to my own.
General Discussion / Re: Diagnosis questions
April 10, 2016, 10:14:17 AM
How can I get diagnosed? I know I have these issues and would like some official help with recovery from them. I have been in counselling for five years  and during that time my amazing therapist did EMDR therapy with me. It was extremely helpful. And when I looked up with EMDR is usually used for, PTSD came up. So I did some research on what that meant and started seeing major connections and finally came down to CPTSD which is exactly what I have.

However, I have never had any official diagnosis. I received therapy from a nonprofit organizations focused on helping women and children recover from domestic violence. I went there because I was dealing with an extremely violent ex husband who was simultaneously threatening my life and taking me to court over custody of our child.

I have tried talking to a local doctor about my concerns, however it's just the lowest bottom price range doctor who typically deals in Medicaid patients and the mental health experts there didn't assess me for PTSD even though I tried hard to express to them my concerns. They just gave me some information on general anxiety and depression.

I don't have any health insurance and I've never been able to keep a job for long. I'm now 30 with a family and my husband is the breadwinner, however he doesn't make a whole lot.

How do I get this taken care of?!!?

Please help, I feel so lost.