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Messages - Lottina

I'm on 3mg Risperidone and 60mg Prozac.
The Risperidone knocked me out at frst like sleeping for 18 hours a day but my body got used to it and it's done the trick, I started off on 1mg and it's been increaded. Prozac started on 20mg and thats also been ncreased and seems to be working. I feel emotionally numb but I can't tell whether thats dissociation or the medication
Quote from: felloutofthesky on July 19, 2016, 09:42:10 AM
I completely relate. I grew up in an emotionally / verbally / mentally / psychologically abusive home, primarily directed towards me because I was a feisty kid and always fought back. To this day, I wish with all my heart that I had been beaten up because then it seems like people would validate me for cutting off my parents, in addition to a lot of other choices I've made in the past, and in addition to perhaps seeing my self destructiveness as a trauma reaction rather than attention seeking.

I too was emotionally abused and neglected but not physically or sexually abused. The fact that I too have cut off my parents makes me feel ashamed as if it is for no good reason so it's good to hear someone else feels the same way