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Please Introduce Yourself Here / No way to fix it....
February 05, 2015, 04:10:36 PM
I've never posted before. I hope this is OK....Had a flashback yesterday. Spent most of the day trying to cope. Being gentle with myself. But, the significant other in my life got home and things got so big.... Was met with anger, and accusations, in impatience, and blame....instead of compassion, and kindness, and love...Still looking for healing in a relationship that has hurt me. So hard to let go. My flashbacks have escalated to the point I hardly leave the house. I used to be so active, involved, happy, had friends, a job...Now I live this isolated, lonely life. Sometimes the days are good. But sometimes they are really bad...Yesterday I was told that I have cursed my partner...He has betrayed me with another woman, lied many times, watched and denied while "friends" and "family" have treated me abusively, but the blame was always put on me. He does not yell at them. He does not confront them, or tell them they are mean. He wants everyone to love him. The only person he ever confronts is me, in the privacy of our home...So sad. I want to fix us both so bad. But I think this might be day one of leaving him in my heart.