Quote from: sanmagic7 on March 24, 2017, 01:15:55 PM
hi, jadeily, welcome. so glad you made it here.
i can't diagnose, but it sure sounds to me that you've had layers upon layers of trauma over and over again. that would probably qualify for c-ptsd, if, as 3 roses said, it were an actual diagnosis.
i'm very sorry that you've gone thru so much. you'll face challenges as you continue in recovery (if that's the path you choose to follow), but i do believe that we can whittle this beast down if we stick with it. i hope you can take care of yourself as best as possible. you are worth it, no matter what other messages you might have received along the way. thanks for posting, and i hope you'll continue. this place has done wonders for my recovery. such warm, caring, supportive people here. best to you.
Thank you for the welcome and support! I'm really glad to have found OOTF and hopefully it will be helpful