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Messages - RunningMan

I don't feel like you're being rude. I can promise you I'm not him.

I appreciate the feedback, Cadie. It was very helpful!
Hey everyone!

I recently starting dating a beautiful and amazing woman with CPTSD. We started talking on January 28th, and officially started an exclusive relationship on February 14th. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life before. It was essentially love at first sight. She's perfect for me, and if soul mates are real she's mine.

Throughout the entirety of the initial courtship phase she made very clear the fact that she suffers from CPTSD and the fact that dating her would be a challenge. She's never once downplayed or minimized the issues that she deals with. I said then, and still believe now, that doesn't matter. I've got this.

I took the condition lightly when we first started dating (even though she never once gave me any indication that I should) and since then we've encountered a few situations that really made me understand that I was unprepared. Since coming to that realization I've spent hours studying CPTSD. I've read books, and I'm here on OOTS and on the CPTSD Reddit daily reading through posts from people living with the condition just to gain more and more understanding so I can be as supportive as I can.

I really appreciate this forum being open, and I guess what I'm looking for is more advice on ways I can better prepare myself to support and care for her. I haven't found any specific forum for partners of people with CPTSD, and very little specific literature on the subject of the partner perspective.

Is there a community based around learning to better support your CPTSD partner? As of now I feel I've learned a ton and become much better equipped just by reading forums and literature from the perspective of the trauma victim. 

Even if there's not another forum, I'll continue to visit daily and soak up as much information as I can. I just love her so much and she deserves someone who has as many tools as possible to assist her in her covery.