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Messages - Axiom

For the isolation doctors frequently recommend that I get involved in group therapy. My answer is always the same, "If you can find a group that fits my diagnosis and history, I'll go." And they mostly blink because it's uncouth to say, "I don't have any patients like you," but they also know I'm not wrong.

It's not cause I'm the only one, although it often feels that way. It's because most people subjected to the life I lived either don't survive it or don't escape it. And since I'm on the site I'm on, I'm gonna guess many of you reading this can relate to that.

I don't want to go into it really. But I'm glad this site exists. Whatever else the conversations here might contribute to my recovery, simply being able to move the concept of "I'm NOT the only one," out of the realm of theory and into the realm of what is tangible and observable is profoundly encouraging to me. Thank you all for being here.