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Messages - Juliatwelve


I am new to this forum but not new to cPTSD. A few years ago I started experiencing extended bouts of neurological dysfunction related to cPTSD that at its most extreme is total physical freezing, particularly in my legs and sometimes accompanied by the inability to speak. It has evolved into extended – sometimes months – periods of time with having a difficult time walking, feeling as though glass has shattered under my skin, and struggling with finding everyday words when trying to speak. I've seen specialists, tried medication, yoga, mindfulness, somatic therapy etc. but the symptoms outsmart every form of management except long periods of bedrest and reducing sensory input. I've missed a lot of work and school because of this. The onset is sudden, and when I'm not symptomatic, its as though it never existed. I've been assured by doctors that I do not have a neurological disease and that this is the result of trauma.

If you have experienced anything like this or have heard of this happening and have resources for me, I would be so grateful to hear from you.

Thank you very much.
