Little Issue with Recalling Words

Started by Kizzie, July 09, 2024, 02:43:39 PM

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So I am experiencing some issues with remembering the word I want to use. It's in there somewhere but I can't quite get it out. This has been going on for about 3 months so I went in to see my doc and true to form she did not panic, but asked me about it and then said let's see you back here in 3 months and see how it's going.

She said medications sometimes can cause this and I did start on two new ones so fingers crossed that's it. Also, I haven't noticed any issues with thinking. I am involved in two projects and the writing and organization part is as sharp as it was when I was teaching/researching in the past so I doubt it's dementia or anything but of course having CPTSD I expect the worst. 

We'll see I guess.  :Idunno:   


I thought that was just a normal part of ageing.  :Idunno:  It happens to me, too, on occasion. Especially if I am flustered or tired.

I'm glad you went to see the doc as it is obviously bothering you. Maybe it is happening too frequently for your liking? At any rate I hope it improves or is just one of those things (i.e. nothing sinister)


Who knows but I can attest you are sharp as a tack so I wouldn't worry about it much. I have trauma related cognitive issues but they go far beyond forgetting words. I'm only 46.


Sorry that's happening for you Kizzie :hug:

I thought there's something about trauma brain and losing/forgetting words. Broca area of brain or similar? So I wonder if some trauma healing is going on for you atm and that part of the brain is involved? I hope the issue is short-lived for you anyway.


It's happening more than I'd like and it seemed to come on suddenly which is why I was a bit worried about it.  I should mention that the whole reason I posted about this was because she said it may be medication and I thought it might be helpful for others to know it's one factor that can lead to memory issues.

I suspect it's because she knows one of my newer meds may be the cause (I must look them up to see side effects), based on the fact I'm not having other cognitive issues and the fact that I am sensitive to a LOT of meds. We shall see end Sept what she has to say.

Anyway, the take away from all this is if you are having symptoms (of anything), try not to be afraid and talk to your doc.  Better you know and work on treatment if it's needed rather than ignoring it. And as I mentioned medication has some powerful and unexpected side effects so again talking to our docs is so important.



Apologies Kizzie as I realize my post sounded dismissive. I was unclear but was focusing more on reassuring that I dont think you are having age-related cognitive things because you are incredibly sharp. But yes the medications and the unexpected reactions your points are all spot on. 


I definitely have had problems with memory/word recall as well. I'm not saying it's the be all, end all, but mycotoxins are a neurotoxin (along with being toxic to other systems in the body ie digestion where a lot of mood altering neurotransmitors are made) and I feel like they have definitely been a factor at times when these issues have come up.

So, apparently 25% of the population are carried for the HLA genes for Chronic Infammatory Response Syndrome, where once these are activated (through mycotoxin/biotoxin exposure etc), it can make our bodies incredibly sensitive to outside stimulus as well as not being able to properly detox mycotoxins. It's such an expansive reaction and affects so many systems in the body that, in my experience, it was really difficult to pinpoint. So, despite docs saying that nothing was wrong, and that it was all in my head, there was something going on. Just wanted to say to reiterate what Kizzie said and that it can be really easy to attribute things to cptsd/trauma when the symptoms could be physiological as well.

More info on CIRS with difficulties with memory and word recall listed under symptoms.


Quote from: Kizzie on July 11, 2024, 02:57:28 PMI should mention that the whole reason I posted about this was because she said it may be medication and I thought it might be helpful for others to know it's one factor that can lead to memory issues.

Anyway, the take away from all this is if you are having symptoms (of anything), try not to be afraid and talk to your doc.  Better you know and work on treatment if it's needed rather than ignoring it. And as I mentioned medication has some powerful and unexpected side effects so again talking to our docs is so important.

Thanks for clarifying and sorry I got the total wrong end of the stick :doh:

Quote from: Kizzie on July 11, 2024, 02:57:28 PMIt's happening more than I'd like and it seemed to come on suddenly which is why I was a bit worried about it.  ...

I suspect it's because she knows one of my newer meds may be the cause (I must look them up to see side effects), based on the fact I'm not having other cognitive issues and the fact that I am sensitive to a LOT of meds. We shall see end Sept what she has to say.

I'm sorry it's a worry for you, though totally understandable that it is, given the sudden appearance. I hope your doc has helpful information come Sept.  :)


Yes, I hope she has some ideas.  I suspect she's waiting to see if I adjust to the med so we'll see.  It doesn't seem quite as bad now that we're moved and there aren't a thousand things to try and remember every day.  Still, it's just the weirdest feeling to know a word but not know it if that makes sense.

Dolly, I had a look through the article and wow, just wow. I feel like 20 years from now this kind of indepth knowledge about what impacts the body and how may be standard and wouldn't that explain a lot, take the mystery out of so many things related to health? 


I honestly hope it does Kizzie. I've had a week out of the moldy flat and I don't know if it's just placebo effect, but I feel glimmers of "life" coming back. It's so undiagnosed and overlooked IMO when it's an actual neurotoxin that can rewire your nervous system, is a carcinogen, and on and on.


I hope so too Dolly.  I just feel it in my gut that there is so much more we need to learn about the effect of the environment, medications, foods, and the big one - trauma - on the body and brain.

Still having a bit of trouble grabbing words out of my brain occasionally but I try and slow down -- frustration does NOT help -- and think carefully, even if it takes a minute or so then I usually can get the word.  We'll see in Sept though.  I'm just going to watch if it gets harder to do and let my doc know.  And oh yes, try not to worry ;D