I Am

Started by Bach, August 12, 2024, 12:38:23 AM

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Hi Bach,
I am also sending good thoughts your way.  Sending you a hug as well  :hug:
I hope that the blustery cold winds will calm soon.


I'm so tired of myself.  Why can't I just be the person I want to be?



i hear you, bach.  love and hugs :hug:



I was very depressed for about 5 months.  Then I started feeling better around mid-December and I was really conscious of and grateful for getting a break from my intrusive death-wishing thoughts.  But in the last few days, without much of anything external changing, those thoughts have come back strong and it's painful again to be conscious.  I don't know why or how to fix it.  Unless it really is because of the swimming pool being closed.  I'm not sure if the lift in my mood coincided with when I started going to the pool regularly, but it may have.  I suppose I could try doing some other kind of exercise until the pool reopens, but it's really hard because swimming is the only thing that doesn't hurt. 


I'm sorry you're feeling those intense feelings again, Bach. The link with exercise seems pretty indicative. This might be a short-term substitute until the pool reopens: Progressive muscle relaxation. It's only fifteen minutes (and I love his light German accent :-)
If it's not your thing feel free ti ignore, but I hope it might help. It's helping me a lot.


I functioned very well today despite feeling like garbage. That's something to take hope from and build on.



Hi Bach, just barging in here... Functioning well despite feeling garbage feels a bit like magic, doesn't it? I've had a few of those days too here and there. It's really empowering that feeling like garbage does not have the last say in everything!  :cheer:


Quote from: SenseOrgan on February 07, 2025, 08:18:53 AMHi Bach, just barging in here... Functioning well despite feeling garbage feels a bit like magic, doesn't it? I've had a few of those days too here and there. It's really empowering that feeling like garbage does not have the last say in everything!  :cheer:

It does feel like magic!  If I could do that every day, I'd really have something going on here.


bach, if it doesn't happen every day, i hope that magic returns at least once in a while, and then more and more often.  if it helps, it helps, and there's nothing wrong w/ that at all.  here's to magic in our lives!  love and hugs :hug: