Three Good Things Today (Part 9)

Started by Kizzie, August 13, 2024, 03:49:27 PM

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Sounds good.

I had a * day. But:

1. I changed my blood thinner and can think again. Jeej. The other one gave me bad brain fog.
2. My dad was kind today and picked up a med for me.
3. My GP listened to me kindly.


1) A joy almost every day now for weeks - I got some new spoons and forks at a freebie thing, to replace some ugly ones. The new ones have nice, bright, orangey-red handles. Every time I use one, I notice how happy it makes me :)

2) Today and yesterday I made definite progress in finding important papers and filing them

3) I've been able to file some papers directly in the recycling bin ;) Every bit out of the way and gone for ever helps

4) My table is definitely less cluttered, the piles of paper reduced in height, I can see some more and more of the surface ;D

5) Some  :sunny: today

6) Yesterday: left my EF behind me. Wherewithal for Onwards once more :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:


1) I made myself a hotsnack today

2) Making lots more progress tidying and tossing papers

3) My office tabletop is almost clear (for the first time in about a year), soon I'll be able sort specific papers for tax accountant :cheer:



1. Im still alive
2. Saw kid today
3. Cleaned shower


1) I finally bought myself a new mouse for my computer and it's working perfectly! (The old one was always getting 'stuck').

Quote from: Blueberry on January 12, 2025, 03:41:57 PM2) Making lots more progress tidying and tossing papers

Ditto, for yesterday too.

Quote from: Blueberry on January 12, 2025, 03:41:57 PM3) My office tabletop is almost clear (for the first time in about a year), soon I'll be able sort specific papers for tax accountant :cheer:

Specific papers sorted, filed, and handed in to tax accountant.
Tabletop still only almost clear, but at least all that's on it actually belongs there and is part of work-in-progress.

4) More clear space around and under my office table and in various other parts of my apt, as well as things flowing again in general in my mind, e.g. new ideas on how to change a few things around in my apt. Some done already. :cheer:

5) The past two nights I've been rubbing ointment into my very dry and sore feet


Dear Blueberry,

I was having a * day and your post helped me feel a little bit better.




You're very welcome Sunshine! :hug:

So that's 1 GOOD thing for you - you read my post and felt a little better

That's what this thread is all about - finding at least one thing a day that was good or even just OK. Writing those good things doesn't mean that the rest of the day had to be good. iow writing the good stuff doesn't necessarily negate the bad and the difficult we all go through. But it can help a teensy tiny little bit with healing. Just one more Tool in the Toolbox  :)


So, while I'm about it

1) I allowed myself to stay longer in bed than planned because I obviously needed the rest
2) Got another load of washing in the machine
3) Some more realisations


1. A friend from church came by with a present and card from my birthday.

2. I am in debt, have to pay a lot for my studies and medical expenses. It is stressful. But I found out I get 600 euros back from taxes. :))

3. I felt like crap, yet managed to go to a care meeting and clean my living room and kid is here and I did administration tasks too. So I managed to be a normal person in between the panic. Somehow. 


1. I tidied my wardrobe and folded up clothes that had got in a mess.  It feels good to have sorted it out.
2. I hemmed some trousers using my sewing machine, which is a major thing for me - I feel so proud of doing that.
3. I am happy to have done the above two things.


1. Cleaned my dirty sink. That had been months and only took a few minutes...
2. Did the dishes (partially)
3. Vacuumed here and there between the chaos
4. Took a cold shower again after a hiatus of a month or so
5. All after a rough night, with low energy and soso mood, but without too much of an effort, where it usually feels like dragging my corpse up a hill :aaauuugh:


That sounds like useful days.

1. I was kind and forgiving to dad.
2. Kid was sick but is getting better
3. I went to the museum
4. I I had a laugh with a woman I know. It's been ages since I had a good laugh. And it was actually something sad that lead to it.
5. I read a very comforting story about parents. How they are not gods, and even if they hurt you, they gave you the best they had. I don't think this is true for truly psychopathic parents. But it was true for mine. It also spoke about getting away from them, as in have looser contact. I'm really working on processing everything. Which brings pain and progress.
6. I am switching to a clean dairyfree gluten-free sugarfree diet and it helps.


1. I spoke to CPS. Had a good talk. They may still build up. I need to recover in a few months time, clean my house and get back to work.
2. I discovered I do a lot better without gluten and worse with gluten. To the point of having severe nightmares and terrors when
   challenging myself with bread after a few weeks glutenfree. This is an easy thing to implement and see changes.
3. I had a superlong walk. I'm getting stronger again and the embolism scare is over.


1. I worked again.
2. I took a brisk walk. I do so early every day.
3. I ate healthy food lately.


1. Woke up semi-rested.
2. Woke up in good spirits.
3. Managed to book a flight.
4. Running went well. It was still freezing, the landscape was white and the sun was out. Perfect winter weather.
5. Took a cold shower.