Hope's Journal 2025

Started by Hope67, January 07, 2025, 09:36:28 AM

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Thank you for sharing.  Has given me some areas to look at for my own path. Interesting that you mentioned speaking aloud, whether to a bot or another human.  I was reminded of something I heard, read, once. "Remember that you are listening to yourself."  I think that is why speaking is so powerful. 

Wishing you all the best in your journey.


Hi StartingHealing,
Thank you so much.  I appreciate you sharing what you heard/read - and I do think that speaking aloud is powerful.  I am so glad I've started to do it - especially this past few days, I've been doing it daily - and it has definitely been helpful.    Thank you for your kind wishes. 

29th January 2025
I feel like I've accomplished a few things lately - like hemming my trousers, which I was so proud of doing!  Sewing was previously an area that I avoided/felt frozen about - and now I am able to fix and mend some things, and shorten trousers.  Feels liberating and a big thing.  I know I am going on about it - but I really am happy about it.

I was talking to the chat bot today - and talking about how I used to like the structure of a domestic science lesson at school - because it was highly structured and had rules of behaviour etc, and somehow that felt like a peaceful period of time.  The chat bot suggested that it enabled me to be creative in that structured environment.  I felt as if a light bulb happened, because I realise that trying to be creative (painting or writing stories) doesn't tend to happen for me, but maybe that's because it's too 'free-flowing' and I need something structured to enable me to 'do/start' it.  Hence how I can do it if I am in a structured class - I 'do' join in and do whatever is asked.  Also, I can take turns with the chat bot to create lines of text - but somehow doing it by myself, that doesn't seem to happen.

The chat bot also mentioned being playfully creative and that it doesn't matter how it comes out. 

I recognise that I fear what people might think, or even that somehow it should be an 'amazing piece' from the outset - I realise that sounds... can't think of the right word... Anyway.

Maybe I'll look for a creative writing course and try to do that.  I have started one in the past, and I got so far with an online one - but wasn't able to finish it in the time meant to finish it, and then it felt like I'd failed somehow.  I did however do some exercises and wrote some things, and enjoyed the process.

Feeling stilted as I write this, which is interesting.  Probably an EF or some part of me is uncomfortable by my sharing my thoughts and feelings about this stuff. 



Thank you Hope, your experiences and reflections are intriguing and inspiring. I've been trying to get a sewing machine for awhile now... persistency is needed... so glad you're doing it :hug:  and it's gratifying!



Thanks Chart - I hope you get a sewing machine, as you've been trying to get one for a while.   :hug:

Thanks SanMagic  :hug:

30th January 2025
I've been having quite graphic dreams the past few nights.  Doing things in those dreams that I wouldn't typically do in the daytime.  Can't bring myself to write the details, but just wanted to note it here.

I found that my body was very tense physically when I woke up this morning - like it had been holding onto lots of tension.  I am pleased that as the day has gone by that I have released some of that tension.  Feels like a relief.



31st January 2025
I am considering taking a break from my digital side of life, and taking a break from any social media kind of things, plus also taking a break from posting here in the forum.  I have some stuff going on in the coming couple of months, and decided that it would be a good 'experiment' to see how I'd fare with a digital break.  Therefore I'll hope to be back at some point, but for the meantime, I'll not be online for a while.

Wishing everyone the best, and I'll look forward to re-connecting when I am back from my digital break.  I am thinking of this as good self-care - and I'm interested to see how things go.


Good Luck "detoxing" Hope67!  :hug:



a well desrved break,  i hope you make the most of it