Today I am grateful .... (Part 3)

Started by Kizzie, October 25, 2017, 05:22:22 PM

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Those are some great things to be grateful for Blueberry. I am also grateful to have wandered to this area where the weather is comparatively stable. I have been hearing some wild stories this summer.

I am grateful for how far I have come, in more ways than in distance.

I am grateful for swimming in the cold sea. There is something soothing about it, gripping, but without pain. The cold is weighted blanket.


I'm grateful I can afford to pay a bike mechanic to winterise my bicycle and I'm grateful said mechanic checked stuff like brake blocks and chain w/o being asked (since I was too spaced out to remember to do so)

I'm grateful there's a little group here in town who hold weekly peace prayers, open for everybody. I rarely go but when I get the urge to, there's the group!


Yesterday I was grateful that my bike mechanic got something unstuck for me about 2 minutes before closing till early January. Very grateful to have a functioning bicycle.

I am grateful for forms of organised religion I can drop into and get some spiritual sustenance from.

I am grateful that I got a little introduction to Christianity as a child/teen, a base so to speak from which to develop understanding as an adult

I am grateful to friends and fellow patients who have sent me Christmas post even though I have sent nothing this year.


I am grateful for wild rice, very grateful.

I am grateful for my turn of luck, even though I have trouble feeling like I am here. I am here.

I am grateful for presents. I feel like we are not supposed to be. We should be humble and expect nothing, but no. I am grateful for presents.


I'm grateful to have come back up out of my EF

I'm grateful that our local buses are free on Saturdays

While waiting for the bus I noticed so much green! Trees, grass, brush, great huge weeds and felt suddenly grateful to be surrounded by that instead of a concrete jungle.


Today ...

 **I'm grateful for this forum's message -- that we are alowed, just to be present with each other. Some of us never knew it possible to be accepted, loved, or even tolerated.

**I'm not only grateful for this space and the people who hang out here, but I remain in awe of the love that always shines through. Very often the love is misted over by tears, yet still it shines in spite of it. Thank you for being here.

**Knowing we're able to, in spite of our residual fears, be present in any way we can in such a cruel world revives my fading sense of hope.

That this glimmer of hope even exists brightens and expands the confines that too often cloud its presence.

These are the seeds (yes, even the compost) which nourish and renew the hope so hard to find. Thanks again  :grouphug: