weed and CPTSD

Started by user555, March 21, 2021, 03:04:33 AM

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just recently, me and my s/o quit smoking marijuana. we were both smoking every day for years until we both realized that we were trying to shove back feelings of anger from emotional neglect by our parents. just for context, my s/o & I both grew up around similar circumstances; emotionally absent parents, enmeshment, etc. Stopping has definitely made my mind a lot clearer but I am dealing with a lot of repressed emotion coming out now. just crazy how it works like that. On the flip side, smoking weed has actually made me remember repressed positive childhood memories. Curious if anyone has had a similar experience?


I have used drugs and alcohol to cope,   it can be difficult when you stop,   I hope you can find a healthy replacement.   I know it isn't easy.