Stuck in shut down

Started by Phoebes, May 04, 2024, 05:50:12 PM

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BIG hug Phoebes  :hug:   There may be backlash from her but that's on her, not you. IMO you can gauge the health of a person by how they respond to things like what you're saying to her. Most healthy people will do so with grace, and maybe an apology and an attitude of "What can I do to make things better?"

Those who aren't healthy are likely to lay everything on you and be quite disrespectful. Again, her not you. If she takes it well then you can have a more honest relationship and yay to that right? We all want healthy relationships. If not maybe it's good to know for sure it's time to go your separate ways because you are changing and don't want to be treated as she treats you.

We're here  :) 


Thank you all so much for the support. I can't tell you how much you helped.

When I finally sent the text about one minute later, she replied, saying she had tried to call to let me know she was Ing for giving out my number and that it would not happen again. Then she asked if I forgive her and of course I do. But then she didn't address the other stuff and I wonder if she even read it based on how fast she answered. Either gaslighting or something strange I don't know but I think I feel better and now if she does it again, I can at least point out that this is what I was talking about in my text.


Well that's half the battle and you can still address the other half even if she hasn't chosen to address it. She knows now you have things to say to her so just my opinion but if you're able, keep going even if it's a bit at a time. 


Just what I was thinking too, Kizzie. Thank you for the validation.  :hug:

