Accepting Myself

Started by Blueberry, December 10, 2021, 10:09:15 PM

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Sorry to be kind of flooding the board atm but I'm going thru old Journals of mine trying to find useful stuff and the only way I can hang onto some old realisations is to copy them and comment on them for myself.

Quote from: Blueberry on December 10, 2021, 10:09:15 PMI've decided to start a new Journal because the possibility of going inpatient has given me an immediate shift in priorities.

First I wondered about entitling this journal 'Getting by' as in 'Barely hanging on' but then decided on the idea which formed itself at the end of T appt. on Thursday: It's quite OK for me to be who I am now, with all my difficulties, instead of trying to be some ideal version of who I am. And it's quite OK for me to do things at my pace.

My T had asked me what Tool I possess which would help me even want to get up in the morning and that bolded sentence came slowly up from the depths. The Tool is allowing myself to slow down enough to feel that I am OK just as I am and just as I do. 

So focussing on accepting myself and knowing that with this self-acceptance I will move forwards in ways I hadn't even planned on.

Very good things to remind myself of the above atm, especially the bolded sentence because it's usually me trying to go too fast which causes me to backslide.

I don't know that I'm going inpatient soon, I rather think not in fact, but I am in a state where I'm looking for help, which includes going thru old Journals of mine.


Quote from: Blueberry on January 08, 2022, 09:07:17 AMIn fact, it has sort of passed. Idk if it was another EF or just a down phase from needing to adjust to no longer having furbabies. I don't suppose it really matters which it was.

I 'kind of' realised again why it's so important for me to express my anger or disappointment or whatever it is to people instead of storing that up inside. Nonetheless I also notice how difficult that is. Today, I'm having trouble sending a bill again. The trouble started yesterday in fact. So it's a question of moving forwards with other more practical things or forcing through a dam burst... No, I note the images in my head and the emotions somewhere in me at forcing through a dam burst. Not good, not helpful. OK, do easier practical stuff and possibly the bill. The dam burst would include writing to no-longer-friends no.1 and no.2.

Bolded the important bits for me atm. Instead of storing stuff up inside if I'm not capable of expressing IRL (sometimes it's better not to IRL, I do know that), then a long weekend of intensive healing is a good thing. I used to hope I wouldn't need it again and during Corona lockdowns etc it wasn't possible anyway, but now I think it's a time I could really, really do with it. It's a place where I can express things when I can't IRL.

I often need long phases to adjust / re-adjust. Like atm I think I'm still adjusting from not working in my professional fields, still adjusting to finding something to use the availabe energy on, still adjusting to finding something to give me what the work did w/o overwhelming myself etc etc etc. Ditto with not having furbabies anymore.


Quote from: Blueberry on July 01, 2024, 08:12:57 PMI often need long phases to adjust / re-adjust. Like atm I think I'm still adjusting from not working in my professional fields, still adjusting to finding something to use the availabe energy on, still adjusting to finding something to give me what the work did w/o overwhelming myself etc etc etc. Ditto with not having furbabies anymore.
I get what you mean, I feel the same way in the context of my own life experiences. I hope you can allow yourself the time to process these changes. I find that sometimes it's better to not think about it too much, to let things be as they are, do whatever comes to mind first. If you find you're not enjoying what you're doing then you can try something else, but even just the act of trying can make it easier to identify how you want to spend your time. Though I know all that doesn't work for everyone.
