Today I achieved ..... Part 2

Started by Kizzie, December 23, 2018, 07:10:33 PM

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1) I got up, and then after going back to bed, I got up again
2) Showered and washed hair - it took a lot of effort but I did :cheer:
3) Did some weeding
4) Had a chat with a friend who dropped some stuff off
5) Aired my apartment
6) Cleaned the toilet
7) Enjoyed being outside
8 ) Had a prepared salad
9) Tidied a few things away
10) Took one of my meds nice and early


1) I got up when I woke up, even though it was early
2) Went to the farmer's market fairly early (there have been days since I moved when I didn't manage to go at all)
3) Did some housework so particularly the kitchen looks better and I feel better when I'm in kitchen :)
4) I made space on my kitchen counter for my transportable CD player for the first time here in this apt and listened to music while making and eating my breakfast and then doing said housework
5) I did have a long, long nap but after I got up and realised I wasn't really awake, I went down into the garden intending to maybe poke about a bit - at least get some fresh air and maybe pull out the odd weed - but then I actually got going clearing a bed that I can use for my herbs :applause:
6) First time using hedge clippers :)
7) Dared to start clipping hedge beside the herbs bed because hedge was overshadowing bed - been intending to do that for a while and now I've done it :)
8 ) I stopped before it was too much
9) After coming back inside I thought I really 'should' try to phone my godson but realised I was hungry and acted on that instead :cheer:  I decided it was more important to make myself something nutritious to eat than phone anybody  Self-care :cheer:
10) Cleared a bunch of books away from beside my bed, where they tend to congregate in EF phases, and back into bookcases. Bedroom also looks better :)



Thank you Moondance! You cheering me on got me reading my post again. It's good for me to see how much I got done not so long ago :)


1. I did the laundry (after 3 weeks of just...hanging there)
2. I took a shower
3. I got to do 4 hours of homework without feeling tired or being distracted or withing that I wasn't doing homework
4. I washed the dishes earlier and got to have some rest watching the computer


1) I got up when I woke up and I stayed up even though it was much earlier than I'd normally get up in winter (if not at farm ;)  )

2) Have taken my 2 main meds and had breakfast and it's only 7:30 AM :applause:

3) Got some difficult paper work done on finances and it's all packed up ready to go to post office


1. I went out for a jog.
2. I took part in an online course to build my confidence and assertiveness skills.
3. I practised Progressive Muscle Relaxation.


I rescued a bee that was stuck on my window ledge far above the ground by giving it a dandelion I had in a vase. Apparently the nectar gave it enough sustenance to take wing and fly! :)
I don't think I was imagining it since the bee's movements looked more controlled and sprightly after it had spent a minute or two in the flower than the cumbersome lumbering around it had done beforehand.


Recently I rescued an earth-worm. It was in a very shallow puddle but unable to get out. Apparently they can drown. I moved it into the grass instead where it livened up immediately.


In the past few days I've realised what an achievement it was that I turned the old sandbox in this garden/yard into my herb and flower bed :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:

For so long, I just couldn't. I was stuck, I couldn't work out how - I have trouble with work involving a number of steps anyway (brain-foggy problems). Now when I look at my herb/flower bed, I realise: Hey, I did it! :cheer:  :)  :) with much more joy and feeling of achievement than in the days immediately afterward!!


1) Two loads of dishes in the dishwasher
2) Did a bunch of pre-washing by hand that I've been putting off for months
3) One laundry load including the pre-washed clothing and then hung it all up
4) Took my anti-deps and had breakfast before occup. T
5) Cycled to occup. T, and got there early even

6) Vacuumed large parts of my apt including attic space and attic stairs, something that has also been waiting months
7) Sitting with my feet in a basin of cold water to cool off for the night
8 ) Have been showering feet and lower legs cold on and off all day, also to cool off
9) Used up various food items for supper tonight, which helps tidy up too
10) Some of food use-up was zucchini from the farm, which I've had for a while, but it's taken me so many days to do some proper cooking again.

11) Various items of emotional progress in occup. T this morning and a painting quite different from my paintings up until now
12) Emptied most of my various refuse bins downstairs, which usually helps me feel that things are flowing again
13) I had a nice phone call today


I own an online support community and within the discussions a certain religious topic came up which is a huge trigger for me. Rather than forcing myself to moderate it, I muted the conversation and asked another moderator to moderate it in my absence.
It's an achievement for me because I have this ingrained notion that as the big boss I should be able to handle anything and everything. Asking anyone else for help makes me feel like I'm a failure, or that I'm not good enough for my work. I still feel like this, even now after I've delegated the task, but at least I did delegate the task... so it's something.
