spotty memory

Started by serkinglight, August 18, 2015, 12:29:56 PM

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Something that has long worried me and that it's been hard to find answers about is that I have major gaps in my memory.
I know we're not psychological or medical professionals here, and that no one can definitively say what this is about,
but I have a sense that it's a result of shutdown or disassociation rather than any physiological problem. I take great
comfort in finding this place and a possible path to finally finding my way out of some of this fear and deprivation.
I say deprivation because with such gaps in my memory, I feel as though I'm deprived of an identity, which is scary indeed.


Hi SL - you might be interested in a thread FairySlipper started about this - see

It's quite common to have 'Swiss Cheese' like memories so you're not alone that's for sure.  Most of us also see it as a result of dissociation rather than a physiological problem.

There are some suggestions in the thread about getting back those missing times (if you want to) such as looking at photo's to trigger memories.