Overtaken/controlled by thoughts?

Started by Absent, August 04, 2016, 05:59:12 PM

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I don't know how bad it is. I'm not that familiar with all the symptoms and nuances of CPTSD, but yes it's been happening way too much lately. To the level where my work productivity has greatly decreased and it is exhausting me as it's causing an emotional reaponce as well. I think those are intrusive thoughts. I don't know how  to stop them and it's draining me.

Three Roses

One particularly helpful exercise one person gave me was to write down all the unspoken, dysfunctional family rules - "Don't talk about your feelings" or "you are responsible for how others feel" - and translate them into functional, workable rules for yourself. For instance, "Never draw attention to yourself" could become "I am free to express myself".

As I spent time thinking of MY new rules, the dysfunctional ones loosened their hold on me. :)


Reduced work productivity is not good. Been there for a few years with the intrusive, exhausting thoughts.
Yesterday I noticed I was able to channel my frustration into productive work. Very pleasantly surprised by that. Therapy is helping that along greatly.

Great idea three roses. I can imagine plastering my walls with many pieces of paper stating these new rules in all sorts of colourful and creative writing