Intrusive Images?

Started by joyful, January 19, 2017, 04:36:42 PM

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(Sorry for posting so much)

Does anyone kinda know what I'm talking about? Scary, disturbing things popping into your head? Sometimes they're triggered but sometimes they come out of the blue. I've dealt with them for as long as I can remember. I used to just think I had a dirty mind for thinking such things but now I'm not sure.
Can anyone relate?


I'm there, too. Even after trying lots of ways to drive them away, the intrusive thoughts line up and find ways to filter through the mind's cobwebs. It's truly awful how this pattern endlessly recurs, until one feels utterly helpless.

I suppose the natural thing is to consider how the mind works--e.g. try to not imagine an elephant for the next minute, or five, after it's mentioned. Seems we're wired that way. Then we try to defeat or deflect 'em; still they find their way back.

With me, it's utterly important that I relax as fully as possible...but even in the deepest meditation, the thoughts follow right along like ghosts passing through a wall. I'm trying to learn a new releasing mechanism called centering prayer (despite the name, not like a traditional prayer...started by christian monks but not at all religious, which surprised me--something I love is it's frowned upon by church 'authorities' :bigwink:). In that practice, the thoughts are accepted but instantly sent along, allowing the mind to return to its quiet center. It's almost too simple but so far I like its possibilities.

Oh, btw, joyful--no apologies necessary for "posting so much"...this is a discussion forum; it needs topics to discuss.

Take care.  :hug:


Hey there! :heythere:

Post away joyful.  I believe we learn lots from others experiences.

Are you referring to visual flashbacks?  I have had that, but not random visual images. Not sure why, but even if I tried I have a difficult time trying to picture something in my mind. :no:
Something that I try to work on from time to time when I can clear my mind a bit.

Are they images you recognize, as in a familiar time, place, person etc.? 


Thank you woodsgnome and Max for you're replies. Woodsgnome, I'm so sorry you experience this too.
They could be visual flashbacks, they almost always come with ... physical sensations and strong flashback-like emotions attached :'( I don't know how to tell... Sometimes I do recognize the person (my dad) sometimes there's no face if that makes sense?

Three Roses

Yes! This happens to me all the time. Does this sound like it describes what you go thru?

QuoteYesterday you made a mistake at work. It was a small mistake and you corrected it as soon as you noticed it, but all last night you worried that someone might find out and your boss would be unhappy. You hardly slept. What if you got fired? How would you pay the bills? As you walk into work you see your boss heading toward your desk. You are sure you are going to be fired. You start shaking and find it hard to catch your breath. You can barely walk, your legs feel like jelly. Finally you reach your desk...and realize that your boss walked right past your desk and is getting himself a cup of coffee.
( for full article, includes steps to correct.)

bring em all in

Woodsgnome- That sounds similar to what Buddhist do in meditation. We are encouraged to allow thoughts/images to float by like clouds in the sky, and not to grasp at the pleasant ones or "cringe away from the unpleasant ones. Yes, it sounds much easier than it is :)

I have intrusive images that have nothing to do with my traumas- things that are much worse than the actual traumatic events in my life. Sometimes I'm the perpetrator and other times I'm an observer.

I've seen it asked if nightmares can "cause" trauma (I have terrible nightmares most nights) but I also wonder if these intrusive thoughts exacerbate pre-existing C-PTSD.


I sometimes imagine quite torturous scenes. I wonder if they might be kind of symbolic, metaphors if you like, for the feelings I have which lack actual images to go with them.


Quote from: joyful on January 19, 2017, 05:57:19 PM

They could be visual flashbacks, they almost always come with ... physical sensations and strong flashback-like emotions attached :'( I don't know how to tell... Sometimes I do recognize the person (my dad) sometimes there's no face if that makes sense?

That does sound to me like a visual flashback.  I had one that has helped me in healing. It was repressed memories from years ago.  I now pay very close attention to everything including dreams because I can tell I am healing from this stuff coming out. Emotional flashbacks don't seem to go away, but I can now recognize them for what they are. I'm sorry your dealing with that but I was told you have to go through it to heal it and I do feel that has been true for me.  I hope you have a counselor to help you.  :hug:


Quote from: Max on January 19, 2017, 11:33:40 PM
I hope you have a counselor to help you.  :hug:
I'm working on that...I was seeing someone but it was doing more harm than good. I'm trying to work up the courage to try another one.
Thank you for your perspective. It's good to know I'm not the only one....