Break the cycle - 7 self improvement lessons -free

Started by Max, December 30, 2016, 09:29:43 PM

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I came across this web site that is a course created by a counselor that sounds promising.  He has 30+ years exp and it is based on a pattern he has seen in his clients who have psychological injuries from their childhood.  He gives a conservative estimate of over 80% of the population has them and is unaware.  Has anyone tried this?  I'm going to give it a whirl.  This is a link to the intro and the short video explains it.  No ads and no cost.

Here is an excerpt:

      Based on 36 years' clinical experience and study, this nonprofit site offers you a free 7-Lesson self-improvement course on how to understand and break this lethal inheritance and reduce major personal, marital, and family problems. Average adults are unaware of this cycle and its toxic effects. Are you aware of them?

  What Does "Break the Cycle" Mean?
The "cycle" is this: psychologically-wounded, unaware parents raise wounded, unaware kids. They grow up, choose wounded, unaware partners, and raise wounded, unaware kids - who repeat and spread the cycle and its effects in their society. For more detail, read this after you finish here.
