secrets are not as secret as I thought **CSA triggers**

Started by Dee, June 08, 2017, 06:08:31 PM

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that sounds like a great plan.  we're all here with you, all the way.  your warrior spirit is showing in the best way possible.   love and a big hug. 


Also with you in spirit, Dee.
I know it will be so hard for you, but also that you are immensely strong, and strongly loving and protective of your children.  I know you'll do right by them.


Dee, your plan sounds a good one. You are strong and courageous, but I know you're taking on a difficult task inspite of these good qualities you possess. I wish you all the best with this.  :hug: if I may and it helps you.



As usual, you have found the best path forward for yourself and your family. You are an amazing woman! I do think this needs doing and that your ideas are the best for you and your family.

Remember how well they handled your hospitalization? Your children love you. They know you've tried all you know to be a great Mom to them. You are an awesome Mom. All these years, you've struggled and tried to keep this apart from them, to protect them. Your plan for this new chapter is a solid one. They've seen your ghosts, they know you've fought demons and sometimes even won. A step at a time, and in a protective environment of support where THEY can feel safe, too, is so wise.

Yes, the internet. It's true that the internet can be used to harm, it can also be used to open the doors to healing. You never would have guessed that this cousin would see past your mother's lies. Well, she did. She let you know how sorry she was that you went through that. You needed to know that most people will not blame the child. You still need to hear often that we don't blame the child, Dee. I'm beyond thankful that you have heard this from a cousin. Even if it had to come from the internet.


Dee, this sounds hard, former posters said it and it might be so true, children are perceptive and maybe know this already. They love you and knowing this can make them understand better why you went to the hospital. I also understand your hesitation telling them about it, telling them no details and reassuring them it's not something they have to solve for you, can prevent them from parentification.

I think you are walking a truthful middle ground.

Take care
