Not sure which board to use (and a brief introduction?)

Started by hermeneutician, August 30, 2017, 11:56:15 AM

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I think I belong on the childhood board, because that is when the abuse occurred but because I lived most of my life in denial and have only dealt with my abuse in adulthood, maybe the adult board is where I belong?

Here is my brief introduction:
After my mother died (when I was 44) I had a flashback that added words to my memories and I was forced to deal with my childhood sexual/emotional abuse. With medication & therapy I recovered enough to go off both, and for roughly 10 years I went NC with my abuser: my only (and same gender) sibling, . I also fully reconciled with my father (divorced from my mother since my infancy). He died in January and I am his successor Trustee for his estate, which means I now must maintain at least minimal contact with my sibling/abuser. From I have come to believe my sibling is a histrionic malignant narcissist. I am struggling with depression and anxiety, medicated for both. I have a Drs appointment tomorrow and may ask for increased dosage. Normally I have a good support network, but I'm so "down" that it's hard for me to ask for help; plus, they all want to "fix" me. I'm hoping to find some normalcy/acceptance here.


Welcome! Whereever you feel comfortable to post is fine. But if you were traumatised in childhood, then childhood board makes more sense. Lots of us on here suppress our past or live in some sort of denial because it's all too painful. I'm only just coming out of total denial now, so you're not alone there at all.

You'll certainly get acceptance here! It's a very supportive forum.


Welcome to the forum, Hermeneutician!
Good luck with your doctor's appointment tomorrow.
^-^ I haven't had any lack of acceptance so far here (I'm new as well), and so I'm sure it'll be the same with you. :)

Three Roses

Welcome! I also was tasked with handling the dissolution of my parents' estate and had to deal with their other child (I can't bring myself to call him my brother). I am now completely NC with him and in fact don't even know where he is these days.  :cheer:

F was quite abusive and so was M to a lesser degree, although she was also complicit in the active abuse I received from F.

Since discovering CPTSD and finding this support forum, for the first time in my life (I'm 60) I've found a group of people that can relate to me. I feel understood and validated here. It's been very healing to be able to relate my abusive past and not be told to "just stop thinking about it" or some other hogwash. Hope you find the same!