Brain Battle

Started by Contessa, September 29, 2017, 02:34:28 AM

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Hello All,

I'll start by apologising for creating new posts and responding to few. I figure if I start a new post, I can blabber on all I like without response should it be, or offending anyone with an ill thought out reply - not long now till my ridiculous work load drops off. I do intend to give other posts the time and manners they deserve...

So I am not sure if this has been spoken about before, but has anyone else noticed their brain going into 'battle' with itself with recovery? I don't mean anything despairing, but maybe the neurons are starting to fire back up with the clearing fog.

A couple of weeks ago the stress got so high that anxiety kicked in, emotionally charged thoughts started to churn, my behaviour got erratic... but a few days later actual rational thought started to slip in there - it wasn't pushed intentionally, but just started to make its way in. Like in the olden days.

Last year, it was more like a battle, now the rationality is calming. Maybe it should be renamed to something else.
Anybody else had this?