CPTSD / PTSD and neuropathic pain

Started by flookadelic, December 13, 2014, 02:04:39 PM

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Hello. I was wondering if anyone else out there has, or knows of, others with both CPTSD / PTSD and neuropathic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia or CPD and similar? I ask as I have fibromyalgia and have heard that there can be a link between emotional trauma and development of these diseases. As far as knowing others goes, please, no names!!!! Confidentiality is vital! Thank you!


I looked up fibromyalgia as I had never heard of it. This must be very hard for you. Sorry I don't have an answer just sending you love.


I'm reading The Body Keeps Score, and the author was talking about how people will have physical symptoms based on what organ system for them is the weakest. I have a lot of digestive and skin issues. Might have to do with the brain/gut barrier (most of your neurotransmitters are stored in your gut). I know some other people who are survivors and have fibromyalgia.

You can always go on Google Scholar and see if anyone has done studies on it. It looks like from what I saw they're trying to see if there is some sort of correlation. Like this study says a little over half of people with fibromyalgia have trauma symptoms: http://journals.lww.com/clinicalpain/Abstract/2000/06000/Prevalence_and_Impact_of_Posttraumatic_Stress.6.aspx


Thank you both very much for the love and the info. Fibro and cptsd is a double whammy but I have learned that a great part of strength resides in the decision to be strong :) Bless you both!

Dearg Schmael

I am 41. When I was 22, I injured my neck at work, but after that my whole body hurt constantly. I had MRI's done, nothing. Doctors were befuddled. I was given a "fibromyalgia" diagnosis, which is just a way for saying you are in pain but they don't know why.

For nearly 20 years, I just dealt with this every day. I felt like my muscles were being injected with hot air or water. My whole body. Nothing would help. I couldn't explain it to anyone. No doctors or therapists could figure it out.

I got put on Nerontin (Gabapentin) recently after having been on Norco for over a year. It has been tremendously helpful. But I've never heard of anyone else that has this.

During that time though, I started uncovering a lot of my trauma and realized that I was an abused child. I always knew I was bullied, but had normalized much of my familial abuse and probably repressed some sexual abuse. Through mindbody work, I actually recalled an in-utero memory my mother had repressed in which she was punched in the stomach by her abusive boyfriend, which is totally crazy. I would guess that has a lot to do with it.  :aaauuugh:


Hi I was diagnosed with CPTSD IN 2013 due to childhood  I don't sleep to avoid nightmares,I have flashbacks 10-20 per day , I don't look after myself i.e. Wash,shower etc for the past year my mobility has been diterating I have constant pain in left leg, I have tremors,I self harm,this CPTSD is not only taken over my life it's now having a effect on my mobility my life is just going from worse to even more worse I can't get any help I want to commit suicid every day but I'm guarded 24 hours a day due to my partner/ Carer who has looked after me since I was 15 because I have took many overdoses and ended up in hospital I feel I'm a waste of a life I never enjoy life like others

Three Roses

Hi and welcome ellie. I want you to know you are welcome here. It's s great place to get info and support re recovery from cptsd. I'm not feeling well right now or I'd write more, but thanks for joining :)


I have read that MS is linked to either verbal or emotional abuse. I can't remember which. I think I may have even found a PubMed study a few years ago.

I've also read IBS has a strong link to adverse childhood experiences. It also is linked to trauma, I believe.

bring em all in

There is a very informative book titled Childhood Disrupted by Donna Jackson Nakazawa that does a great job of explaining how adverse childhood experiences manifest themselves as physical and emotional and mental conditions in adult life. It has helped me understand things a bit better.