Trying to get stable

Started by Marbles, June 22, 2018, 07:11:05 PM

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I'm trying to get stabilized after  abusive family members messed with my head when I stupidly went to a family function. I am low contact but now my family of origin is messing with me and my family. I need to go NC but I'm afraid of the blowback because they could really hurt me if they wanted to so I feel trapped in unending flashbacks with new traumas being added on. My T says I need to go NC and says I have PTSD from long term childhood and adult abuse. T doesn't seem to know what c-ptsd is and that is what actually fits me. But it doesn't exist because it's not in the DSM5. Figures.

Kat sorry to hear about your struggles. I hope you're able to protect yourself from your FOO. I know how triggering spending time with family can be. Take it easy and be extra kind to yourself.

I'm surprised by what you said about your T being unaware of C-PTSD. Is finding another T an option for you?

Be well. Be gentle with yourself.


Thanks for the reply. I could maybe find a different therapist but I don't trust anyone else so I'm too afraid. I have been traumatized by both doctors and therapists as an adult which adds to this. I can barely bring myself to go to see my psychiatrist at this point who I'm also afraid of.


Hi Marbles.  Sorry for what you're going through.  I'm finding that besides reading this blog, it helps to read articles about the type of dysfunctional/disorder that I was exposed to, which I think is either narcissistic parent or borderline parent.  It's very validating.  As for getting stabilized, have you ever tried mindfulness?  Either yoga or meditation or something meditative like adult coloring books.  Or being in nature.  Anything that settles you in the present, fully focused on the present moment.