brain function

Started by Blueberry, August 26, 2018, 08:51:34 PM

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I like to do crosswords and other word games. A few days ago I noticed I was able to get more answers in the cryptic puzzles. Not that many, but more than before.

In addition, there are puzzles in my crossword magazines which go something like this: John's house has a blue roof, his neighbour's house has a green door and no basement. Sally's house has an attic and her door is not yellow. Then there are always two more people and some information about them. You have to fill in a table of everybody's roof and door colour and 2-3 other criteria. It's a puzzle of logic and deduction and up until now I could never do these puzzles, ever. Now all of a sudden I can. I haven't been practising or anything like that. It's really - I can suddenly do them. Breakthrough in brain function! cptsd affects the brain so I presume somewhere in my brain some healing has happened  :)  :cheer:

I can also now do the simplest number puzzles, though not sudoku etc., more ones that involve mental arithmetic or even working out the arithmetic on paper.   :)

I got this

Yay thats great!!!!  What made the difference for you?


Thanks :)

I don't know why. I think it's just one of these developments that comes about due to other cptsd healing going on.


Late to the game on this one, but this is a wonderful development.

I've been noticing small cognitive improvements too. I can 'think easier' if that makes sense. Make connections between ideas just that little bit quicker, and stronger as well.

Agree with your last post. How is it going one month on?


 :cheer: for you too Contessa! Being able to 'think easier' is a good way of putting it.

For me, healing comes in fits and starts. Today I feel another breakthrough, well, it's been evolving for a few days but it's in a different area. Not to do with thinking easier but to do with contemplating showing myself, making myself more visible. Also huge, but different.


I am so happy for you!  It must be so exciting to be unlocking all of these powers you never knew you had!  Seems like there is a lot to look forward to in recovery.