US - ACEs Connection

Started by Kizzie, April 30, 2019, 06:17:58 PM

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ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Connection is a non-profit organization which seeks to connect and support communities in the US (and around the world) to prevent adverse childhood experiences, heal trauma and build resilience.

ACEs Connection supports local ACEs initiatives in neighborhoods, cities, counties, states and nations. We provide initiatives with a free community site on ACEs Connection, guidelines on how to launch and grow local ACEs initiatives, and powerful online tools that help local initiatives measure their progress. We also have interest-based communities, such as ACEs in Education, ACEs in Pediatrics, and Parenting with ACEs. Our Community Managers site helps managers of more than 300 geographic-based communities connect with each other. They share ideas about how best to leverage their community's ideas, initiatives, successes and challenges to accelerate the use of ACEs science.