
Started by Horse78, July 03, 2019, 05:04:45 PM

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I had a consultation with a homeopath and a week in after the first dose, I'm definitely in the deep end. Bringing up all of my fears head on, horrible. The difference is that it feels as if there is movement physically, energetically, rather than just a triggering and constant mental cycles. I'm having those as well, but it's like there's a vapour coming off me, an energy field where the trauma is coming up and out, rather than just being stuck.

On the plus side, I'm finding that I'm able to bear with it. I'm at a point in my life where I am embarking on some changes, a fork in the road, and the positive road requires that I affirm and acknowledge my qualities and capacity for bringing these changes by being smart and structured with my skills, rather than white knucking through to bring them about. I also am building a sense of entitlement to what I want, which allows me to embark upon manifesting them, rather than hiding from it and procrastinating. Life is not perfect, and I want to make a lot of changes, but I have the skills to do so. The trauma will tell me life is bleak and not worth living, an and it's this that the homeopathy is dredging up front and centre. So I'm intrigued, grateful and experiencing a kind of * at the moment, which we're all familiar with. Sometimes I cannot separate and be objective from a "knowing" place, but I'm rolling with the punches. I'm actually excited about this. Even before I started the dose, I started dry retching, which is an energy blockage being released, so I guess I am ready for this. Sound positive, I bet in an hour I'll be doubting the reason of my existence, and oscillating between firm ground and the abyss. Fun times :P

Thankfully I have two weeks off vacay and my other co-parent is taking more of the childcare to allow me to heal.

Just thought I'ld share.




thanks for sharing, horse.  i've done the dry retching before, never knew what it meant.  thanks for clearing that up - it makes perfect sense.

i hope this journey is productive for you and helps you get to where you want to go.  best to you - sending love and a hug full of hope.

Three Roses

 :hug: sorry you're going thru this. I went to see a friend last wknd who sells a popular brand of oils. She gave me some ylang ylang oil and it really helps with the jittery nerves I've been having. Aromatherapy is useful for healing purposes - maybe you could get some lavender oil or something to help you. Best wishes to you.


Glad you hear you're finding the homeopath helpful Horse.  Can I ask what you're referring to when you talk about getting a dose?


Thanks Tee, Sanmagic7 and Three Roses, appreciate the support -  there's a whole realm of holistic medicine out there that I want to explore. Have tried aromatherapy years ago, and periodically receive massage from a skilled and intuitive practitioner.

Kizzie - "dose" is what the Homeopath sent me. I take 10 drops in a solution once a week for the next few weeks.


Tks Horse, hope your vacation is healing  :)