This forum, what I like

Started by Dyess, April 05, 2015, 12:33:29 AM

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Widdiful Falling

I really like this place because it feels authentic in here. I legitimately feel comfortable. The validation and empathy here mean a lot to me. It's really cool that we're all moving forward together, that taking any pace is acceptable, and that setbacks are treated with compassion, instead of shame.

I also enjoy the good writing that goes on here. My alexithymia has improved by leaps and bounds, just because I've read so many people's descriptions of how they feel.

I also appreciate that our site admin work hard, and keep our safety a priority. It's all too easy to sit back and do nothing when faced with a difficult situation.


That said, I feel like kind of a newbie when it comes to C-PTSD, but I've been researching PDs since I was 14, and could do online research into what was wrong with me. I can't believe it took me so long to realize that the reason none of the descriptions fit me was because they fit my M. And it took even longer to realize the dangers of self-diagnosis in psychology. But even if it turns out I'm reading the situation wrongly, and I don't have C-PTSD, I feel very connected and heard here.


Hi Widdiful - Great to hear you are finding OOTS authentic and comfortable, and that your alexithyma has improved.   :cheer: