ME - and chronic fatigue syndrome

Started by Boatsetsailrose, January 26, 2020, 10:08:14 AM

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Thanks slim for sharing
Wishing u well


Hi, long time sine I posted. I just wanted to say that I had every diagnosis of cfs or fibromyalgia or both. I was ready to go the GP and tell her it all, I'd read up on both and diagnosed myself, this was it , this was me. Then Corona struck so I couldn't go..... in that time of Coronavirus my anxiety/ tiredness was the best it had ever been. I slept better than ever, was no longer tired. My depression lifted!!' And why? Because nothing as major as Corona could even get close to the trauma of my life. Everyone was going through major anxiety and I was just like - what, what's the issue, it's not so bad..... quite common in serious trauma cases I'm told.... my CFS and Fibromyalgia symptoms literally disappeared at the start of Corona, which just shows my symptoms are anxiety related and makes me question. If I'd gone to the GP and told her my symptoms I'm sure she would have agreed that my diagnosis was correct, written me off, given me a load of pills and I would have gone home claiming to the world how unwell I was. But, something as in Corona changed my 'mindset' and I thought no, I don't have that, yes I'm tired, exhausted and have cptsd, but I've labelled myself and probably would have convinced my GP I had what I didn't therefore sunk into a depression of illness that I didn't actually have. ....... just a real eye opener for me that although I had the symptoms at that time, my cptsd/anxiety was actually all I need as my diagnosis and the rest I believe was placebo and believing as I had the symptoms of cfs and fibromyalgia then that's what I had.... I'm sure I could have labelled myself with more too, but those diagnoses can set you up for life, it was a lesson for me well learnt that just go with what you've got and let it be part of cptsd, you dont need anymore diagnoses to your name, you don't need another illness under your belt. Think carefully before you think what you might not have..............


Hi eyes so blue
Great to hear you..
Yes, my understanding is cfs is an umbrella.term for a collection of symptoms that aren't truly understood. There is no conclusive science and so the medical world often scratch their head and in my case I've definatley experienced that 'glazed over look on the doctors face. In my case I have been referred to the hospital under a specialist service for cfs but there is no medical imput or further testing etc. The treatment is by a physio helping me to look at lifestyle changes /self care.
Interms of meds. I only take a stronger anti inflammatory when the pain with fibro is unbearable.
From the research and forums I have been on trauma /severe stress is a definate component of cfs type symptoms.. The body speaks the mind and all. Many of us had a virus and that on top of emotional stress was the tipping factor. In my case I def know stress from cptsd and life has been the tipping point for me.
My experience is that I started to get unwell when I was working as a  nursr the stress was just too much.. My mental state was deteriorating as I put down my addictions and cptsd was diagnosed.. I've pretty much lived for the past 4 yrs in bed a lot either due to mental, physical health and both. For me things have got worse not better. I let my career go nearly 2 yrs ago and haven't worked since, I can't. At my worst I am really unwell with severe exhaustion and all the collection of symptoms that come under cfs.. I'm just been on bed rest for a week the only energy I have is for eating. I experience a lot of physical stuff with it, shortness of breath, dizzy, glands, headache, non restful sleep and the list goes on.
For me having this diagnosis has been helpful as I have been able to read research, join forum and get extra support. It is v isolating. However I don't write myself off and as u point out if I take the label away I'm left with physical wipe out from a largely nervous system problem... I'm tackling mine from lots of treatment angles.
So glad to hear of your success in lifting symptoms via your attitude that is great.. Not something that many can do from what I have heard..
Keep up being well and not being in another label that you don't find helpful.
Keep thriving dear...