I'm triggering and confusing myself

Started by Contessa, May 30, 2020, 04:01:49 AM

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Hi, I haven't been here for a very long time. I check in and read occasionally, and respond very occasionally to a post or two.

But I have managed to trigger myself and am feeling very strange and unsettled. My thoughts and feelings are not lining up and am feeling control and certainty beginning to slip.

I think I am strong enough to hold on and not spiral out, but also, after everything can never be certain.

I don't know what else to say but thank you for reading. You're the only people I know who truly get this.



I'm so sorry Contessa. For me nothing can really stop the emotions once they start flooding me. But I go to the mantra "this too will pass" and remember that no emotional state is permanent.

In the meantime I set my person dial to "me" time and care as much as I possibly can when I'm not working thru obligations, jobs, etc. find a safe space, wrap yourself up, do something comforting, watch a familiar show you love, take a hot bath, drink soothing tea, etc. and make sure to keep a connection to people or places that can help you remember that the storm clouds do break, like this forum.

Don't join in with voices in your head that wish to harm you! And don't be hard on yourself if you do spiral out further. It will settle, it will go back to normal and be ok even if everything in your head is telling you it won't. You'll be OK. It always goes away. :)

Three Roses

This forum is here to support you whether you've been here every day or haven't been on in a very long time. It's here to support you if you post on others' threads or not.

We get it.

I'm sorry you've hit a rough patch but trust you to know how to extricate yourself from further entanglement. Hang in there!


Thank you Dreamriver.

Your kind words are an immense comfort, and are a good reminder for the kindness everyone deserves to give to themselves.

Feeling this lift thank heavens. Hopefully it continues. I'm always afraid of those times when the pain was raw and sharp, and lasted for weeks, months...

Thank you X


Thank you 3R

You are right, and it too is a comfort reading your words. Immensely Xo


Sorry to hear you are dealing with being triggered Contessa, but glad you chose to pop in here and talk about it. Knowing there are people here who get it and that you will be received, validated, comforted and supported can be an antidote to spiraling. I'm also glad it's starting to lift :grouphug:

Not Alone

Glad you posted here for support. I don't have anything to add to what others have written. Just want you to know you have been heard and you are not alone.


Thank you Notalone and Kizzie. You words are perfect.

It's weird feeling this discomfort, I have to say. I don't feel good, but it is 'just' discomfort. More than enough to be a cause for alarm for most people, but for us comparatively, it is a mere fraction of the full onslaught of emotions we have been utterly wiped out by in the past.

Not an easy perspective to reconcile. As you know.
