Excited to be here

Started by lolly180, September 01, 2024, 02:43:57 AM

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I'm so glad to find this website, I feel hopeful about making connections here and having and giving support  :grouphug:

I was neglected and abused in so many ways as a child and have recently been diagnosed with Cptsd at age 31.

For the last 10 years I have been working as an escort which in some ways helped me, I was ultimately left even more traumatised and recently quit.

After almost 15 years of urgently needing support I finally received fully funded therapy for as long as needed. I have gone a lifetime of being unheard.

I have learnt a lot about cptsd and I know that to get better I need to have more positive relationships/conversations with people and I have a great feeling that here will be the perfect place to start  :cloud9:


Welcome to the forum, lolly!
Congrats on your recent diagnosis, and your financial support. We learn a lot of things from each other here so I hope you'll feel the same benefits! I've known I've had CPTSD for many many years and I still learn so many things here!
A hug in return:  :hug:



hello lolly180,

It's a long road to find a safe place and worth every effort and step. I'm grateful you have a diagnosis that allows you to be heard, learn and heal. Congrats on your funding, a complete relief when that happens.

Relationships can and do always change. Sometimes those changes leave us feeling confused, sad and lonely. Other times, we finally feel the joy of connection that we've always wanted. But for each change, no matter which way, there's something to learn about ourselves.

We are here to support each other, gently, thoughtfully and patiently. Thanks for posting.

Papa Coco

HI Lolly

Welcome to the forum.

I caught your comment that your ten years in your previous profession added more trauma to life. The people here have been so incredibly helpful and kind to me and to each other. I trust you'll find connection here that will help you navigate your healing journey. We all have different pasts, but somehow, we all ended up with similar triggers and struggles. In that, we find connection and comfort. Validation for being who we are in this chaotic world. Being alone with this trauma is what hurts. Having friends who understand it is comforting.

I look forward to more dialogue with you,



Hey Lolly, welcome to OOTS!  That's awesome about having full funding for therapy.  It's one major thing that needs to change about treatment for CPTSD, there is limited if any funding for most survivors.

Lot of good people here to talk to about your CPTSD.  It's wonderful to have that connection or so most of us find. Glad you found us and I hope you find it helpful to be here.


Hi there,
You are very brave to share like that. Everyone has their own process and you're here with us now.
