Differently gendered dissociative parts suffering gender dysphoria?

Started by mourningdove, October 02, 2016, 05:53:58 PM

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Sorry, radical - that emoticon was poor communication on my part. I had intended it only as a generalized expression of overwhelm with the broader issue, not as any kind of prompt. I don't blame you (or anyone) for having a difficult time talking about dissociation, because I certainly do also. That said, I'm really glad that you were able to reply.

I'm actually having some trouble writing about this now, but I want to say that I relate to some degree to pretty much everything that you wrote about. If you still feel like describing what you felt to be "integrated," I would definitely like to read it.


I have both male and female parts. It was scary when i talked about it in therapy.  I guess you can have both genders depending on what you needed at the time of the abuse.  I am still confused and ashamed about everything.  I dont want to believe it even happened.  I just wanted you to know u are not alone.


Thank you so much, Kc2610.  :hug:

It really means a lot to me that you reached out despite your own struggles. You didn't do anything to be ashamed of. It wasn't your fault.  :sadno: